leoapost / exfy.js

read and write jpeg meta headers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Read and write exif meta headers from assets (jpeg, tiff)

Work in progress -not yet complete-

Getting Started


(Coming soon)


// source can be one of:
// {document.element} IMG DOM element or array or elements
// {jQuery} jQuery containing img elements
// {string} url pointing to desired jpeg
// {document.Image} instance of Image()
// {string} raw base64
// {Blob} raw blob type

// opt_fn callback when processed, providing status (pass or failed)
var e = Exfy(source, opt_fn);

// or
var e = Exfy();
e.add(source, opt_fn);

e.toObject(); // get all headers as a native JS object
e.get(headerName); // get a value of a header, undefined if not set
e.set(headerName, value);


Release History

(Nothing yet)


Copyright (c) 2012 Thanasis Polychronakis Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.


read and write jpeg meta headers

License:MIT License