lensapp / lens

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can't use node-shell

lucming opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
截屏2024-04-19 19 48 17

it works well in 2023.10.122002-latest version, and the node-shell pod was deleted by lens, i found the delete api send by lens in logs of kube-apiserver, this causes the shell window not to be built. anything changed recently?

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Lens Version: 2024.3.271133-latest
  • OS: Apple M3 Pro
  • Installation method (e.g. snap or AppImage in Linux):

Hello lucming,

Thank you for reaching out to Lens support!

Thank you for reporting a bug.

We are working on your issue. Stand by for further updates.

Best Regards,
Tikhon Kudinov
Lens Support Engineer
Mirantis, Inc

Can you please post a video or at least more screenshots showing what exactly happens when clicking that button?

Can you please post a video or at least more screenshots showing what exactly happens when clicking that button?
