leiizko / cod4_new_experience

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cant send command via console

morlockonzark opened this issue · comments

console enabled cant send ant thing only can do teamchat

// XP multiplier - 1 normal XP, max multiplier 100
// Do not forget to change score limit when using this!
set xp_multi "100"

// Steady sniper score ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set promod_sniper "1"

// Enable faster movement speed and longer sprint times ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set fast_paced "0"

// More realistic gun positions on screen ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set gun_position "1"

// Enable spawn protection ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set spawn_protection "0"

// Spawn protection time ( 1 - 10 secs )
set prot_time "5"

// Allow players to change r_fullbright, cg_fovscale and promod vision setting with script command or via rcon interface ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set cmd_fov "1"
set cmd_fps "1"
set cmd_promod "1"

// If above CMD_XYZ settings are set to 0 it will default to these ( force players to play at that vision settings )
// If you want to force either FPS or PROMOD it is recommended that you disable both FPS and PROMOD command
// if fs_players is set to 1, players will start with these settings
set default_fov "2" // 0-2, 2- fovscale 1.25, 1- fovscale 1.125, 0- fovscale 1.0
set default_fps "0" // 1-enable, 0-disable
set default_promod "1" // 1-enable, 0-disable

// Enable rcon commands to change vision settings ( for B3 and other 3rd party admin tools ) ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set rcon_interface "1"

// Hardpoints based off killstreak ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set old_hardpoints "1"

// Killstreak needed for the hardpoint - used when old_hardpoints is 1
// DO NOT set identical values to 2 or more hardpoints
set radar "3"
set airstrike "5"
set artillery "7"
set agm "10"
set asf "12"
set helicopter "15"
set predator "20"
set ac130 "28"
set mannedheli "35"
set nuke "45"

// Count hardpoint kills toward kill streak ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set hardpoint_streak "1"

// Credits needed for the hardpoint - used when old_hardpoints is 0
// Can be set to identical values for two or more hardpoints
// Range: 1 - 9999
set radar_shop "20"
set airstrike_shop "70"
set artillery_shop "70"
set agm_shop "100"
set asf_shop "100"
set helicopter_shop "180"
set predator_shop "280"
set ac130_shop "380"
set mannedheli_shop "500"
set nuke_shop "600"

// Shows to player when he joins
set intro_text "Welcome to CoD4:NE"

// Your server website, will show under intro text
//set website "www.mysite.com"

// How long should the intro stay on screen ( 1 - 20 seconds )
set intro_time "2"

// Will show up when playing end game credits
set credit_text "Thank you for playing CoD4:NE"

// Disable perks / attachements ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set disable_gl "1"
set disable_rpg "1"
set disable_c4 "0"
set disable_claymore "0"
set disable_tripplefrag "1"
set disable_jugger "1"
set disable_laststand "1"
set disable_marty "1"

// Amount of artillery shells ( 10 - 100 shells )
set arty_shell_num "35"

// When to show hitmarker on player hits
// 0 - Never
// 1 - Always
// 2 - Show if it isn't wallbang
set hitmarker "1"

// Enable final killcam ( 1-yes ; 0-no )
set final_killcam "1"

// Enable regular killcam
set scr_game_allowkillcam "1"

// Mapvote
set mapvote "1" // Enable map vote ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set mapvote_mapnum "5" // Number of maps to vote ( 3 - 8 )
set mapvote_norepeat "3" // For how many rounds the same map can't be voted for ( 0 - 10 )
set mapvote_time "15" // Mapvote timer ( 5 - 40 seconds )

// Filesystem
// Adds extra functionalities but it will create a lot of files, however size shouldn't be an issue.
// fs_players may cause brief server lag on full server on slower hard drives
set fs_ending "1" // Use filesystem to save map specific settings ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set fs_players "1" // Use filesystem to save player specific settings ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

// 0 - USE / MELEE buttons
set shopbuttons_allowchange "1" // Let the player decide which buttons he wants to use to navigate hardpoint shop ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set shopbuttons_default "0" // if shopbuttons_allowchange is set to 0, players will be forced to use this buttons ( 1-W/S ; 0-F/V )

set showXP "1" // Show score XP on player kills
set shopXP "1" // Show $ gain instead of kill XP

set cmd_stats "1" // Allow players to see trueskill rating ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set trueskill "0" // Use trueskill ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set kct_default "Owned?" // Default text shown in killcam if client didn't change it

set geowelcome "1" // Enable geowelcome on player connection ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set kcemblem "1" // Allow player specified killcam text when fs_game is set to 1 ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set strat "0" // Enable strat - Spawn protection MUST BE DISABLED if strat is enabled ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set strat_text "Strat time:" // Strat text
set strat_time "5" // Strat time

set cmd_spec_keys "0" // Allow changing setting to see spectators pressed keys ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set spec_keys_default "0" // Default cmd_spec_keys value, if == 0 then this is forced value ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set force_autoassign "1" // Force players to always autoassign to keep teams balanced ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

those are my settings but still console disabled