leighmcculloch / sjc

CLI tool for prototyping contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CLI tool for prototyping contracts in AssemblyScript and Rust for the experimental WASM design of Stellar Jump Cannon.

Note that this tool implements some aspect of the design using shortcuts, and so it may not be identical to the experimental WASM design. The CLI is intended for early experimentation.


curl -fsSL https://github.com/leighmcculloch/sjc/raw/main/install.sh | sh


Download a binary from Releases.


Install from source by first installing Deno, then:

git clone https://github.com/leighmcculloch/sjc
cd sjc
make build


  $ sjc <command> [options]

  init <path>                              Init a directory with an example
  build <contract.ts>                      Build a .wasm file from a contract
  run <contract.ts/wasm> <func> [...args]  Run a func in a wasm file

For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
  $ sjc init --help
  $ sjc build --help
  $ sjc run --help

  -h, --help     Display this message 
  -v, --version  Display version number 

Setup a new project from an example

sjc init mycontract

Run a contract

cd mycontract
sjc run contract.ts init
sjc run contract.ts fund acc:G123

Arguments to functions are in the form <type>:<value>, where the following types are supported:

  • u63, e.g. u63:1234 (unsigned 63-bit integer, used for amounts)
  • u32, e.g. u32:1234 (unsigned 32-bit integer)
  • i32, e.g. i32:1234 (signed 32-bit integer)
  • void, e.g. void
  • bool, e.g. bool:true (boolean)
  • acc, e.g. acc:G1234 (account)
  • native, e.g. native (native asset)
  • asset, e.g. asset:USD:G1234 (issued asset)

See storage.json for stored data.


CLI tool for prototyping contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 94.0%Language:Makefile 4.2%Language:Shell 1.8%