leerichardson / game_simulation

Repo for Simulating Basketball Games

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NBA Predictions

This is the repository used for our NBA Predictions project for Machine Learning 701 at Carnegie Mellon.

  • The final paper is displayed in the main repository, which summarizes all of our work

  • Our best SQLite database is located in the nba_rRegression_chi/nba.db

  • All of the data and code used to scrape it are located in the data/ directory

  • Scripts used to create our training/testing datasets as well as simulate the seasons are located in the scripts/ directory

  • regressionTrial_chi/nbaRegression.py has the code to create the figure which compares our algorithms


Repo for Simulating Basketball Games


Language:TeX 55.2%Language:R 36.0%Language:Python 8.8%