leeper / prediction

Tidy, Type-Safe 'prediction()' Methods

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merge with broom?

bbolker opened this issue · comments

Radical thought, but would you consider/what would you think about merging this functionality with the broom package? It feels like it would be easier to have a smaller number of packages for dealing with tidy model outputs ...

I'm amenable to that. This is code that was refactored out of margins for maintainability. My impression is broom doesn't implement a predicted/fitted values for particularly large range of model classes does it? (I haven't used it much, so I don't really know.)

(FWIW I haven't even asked the broom maintainer about this yet.) This might nicely augment the current 'verbs' in broom, which are tidy (coefficient table), augment (original data + residuals, predictions, etc. -> update of old ggplot2::fortify) and glance (model summaries such as AIC, R2, etc.). augment is really designed around the original data (although e.g. augment.lm does take a newdata argument ...)

Ah, okay. For this, being able to pass new data is kind of essential. I'll take a more thorough look at broom at some point and see how this might all fit together.