leeoniya / uPlot

πŸ“ˆ A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ“– API Docs

leeoniya opened this issue Β· comments

  • data format & requirements
  • how scales, axes and series interact
  • DOM structure: classes of axes, labels, cursors, points, plot, grid, chart
  • mouse interaction: zoom/unzoom, focus-hover (plot & legend), cursor lock/unlock, legend series toggle
  • series.value can be a template string if time: true
  • passing then to constructor to fire init after custom dom injection

declarative opts:

  • .data
  • .hooks
    • init
    • setScale
    • setCursor
    • setSelect
    • setSeries
    • setData
    • setSize
    • drawClear
    • drawAxes
    • drawSeries
    • draw
    • ready
    • destroy
  • .plugins
  • .title
  • .id, .class
  • .width, .height
  • .gutters: {x, y}
  • .scales
    • .auto
    • .time
    • .range (fn and array)
    • .from
    • .distr
    • .min, .max
  • .axes
    • .show
    • .side
    • .stroke
    • .scale
    • .incrs
    • .split
    • .values (fn and stampsCfg array)
    • .space (fn and number)
    • .size
    • .gap
    • .font
    • .label
    • .labelSize
    • .labelFont
    • .grid
      • .show
      • .stroke
      • .width
      • .dash
    • .ticks
      • .show
      • .stroke
      • .width
      • .dash
      • .size
  • .series
    • .show
    • .paths
    • .scale
    • .label
    • .stroke
    • .fill
    • .alpha
    • .width
    • .dash
    • .value
    • .values
    • .band
    • .spanGaps
    • .class
    • .points
      • .show (fn or bool)
      • .size
      • .width
      • .stroke
      • .fill
  • .cursor
    • .show
    • .points
      • .show (fn or bool)
    • .x, .y
    • .drag: {setSelect, setScale, x, y}
    • .sync: {key, setSeries}
    • .focus: {prox}
    • .lock
  • .focus: {alpha}
  • .select
    • .show
  • .legend
    • .show

instance properties and methods:

  • .root
  • .width, .height
  • .ctx
  • .bbox
  • .redraw()
  • .scales, .axes, .series, .cursor, .hooks, .data, .ctx, .select (state inference)
  • .batch()
  • .setData(), .setScale(), .setCursor(), .setSeries(), .setSelect(), .setSize()
  • .destroy()
  • .tzDate
  • .posToIdx(left)
  • .posToVal(left/top, scaleKey)
  • .valToPos(val, scaleKey)

static properties and functions:

  • uPlot.fmtDate
  • uPlot.tzDate
  • uPlot.rangeNum
  • uPlot.assign

Since e31a279, the link the coment above is broken (working link).
Since this is a pinned issue, I thought I'd mention it :)

@Joelius300 thanks! i updated the link in the comment, too.