leenaars / asn2quickder

An ASN.1 compiler with a backend for Quick DER

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

asn1ate -- ASN.1 translation library.
Copyright 2013-2015 Schneider Electric Buildings AB


``asn1ate`` is a Python library for translating ASN.1 into other forms.
It is intended for code generation from formal ASN.1 definitions, and a
code generator for ``pyasn1`` is included.  Additional code for the
``Quick DER`` format was added later.

``asn1ate`` is released under a 3-clause BSD license. For details, see


This is very much an alpha-quality prototype. Things that need doing:

* Regression test suite
* HACK/TODO/BUGs need to be fixed
* ASN.1 grammar is very incomplete in some places. Known issues:

  - Constraint syntax is currently limited to simple value range constraints (ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-12/pkcs-12.asn, line 53)
  - Reference syntax is not accepted at all (ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-12/pkcs-12.asn, line 74)

* Improve parser error handling/reporting
* Allow for semantic analysis, e.g. validity check, warnings for problematic
  constructs, etc.

Usage with pyasn1

The immediate use of ``asn1ate`` is to generate ``pyasn1`` definitions from
ASN.1 definitions. The command to do this is::

  $ python .../asn1ate/pyasn1gen.py source.asn1

It will print the ``pyasn1`` equivalent of ``source.asn1`` to stdout.

Usage with Quick DER

Quick DER is a library found on https://github.com/vanrein/quick-der
A separate generator exists in ``asn1ate`` to create the parser bytecode
and overlay structures for this format.  The command to do this is::

  $ python .../asn1ate/asn2quickder.py source.asn1

It will store an include file suitable for use with ``Quick DER`` in ``source.h``,
which is the source file name with its extension changed to ``.h``.

This tool can be used for your private ASN.1 projects, but one purpose of
Quick DER is also to have a developer's toolkit with precompiled header
files that can simply be included as

  #include <quick-der/rfc5280.h>


The only third-party dependency is ``pyparsing``.

Although ``asn1ate`` was initially developed on Python 3.2, it has been tested
with Python 2.7 and should port to older Python versions easily. Latest release
tested with:

* Python 3.4.0
* Python 2.7.3

Design notes

The ``asn1ate`` package is designed along the same lines as a compiler with a
driver, a parser, a semantic model and a convention for code generators.

* ``parser.py`` -- a tokenizing parser for ASN.1 per X.680. It currently
  recognizes a naive sub-set of X.680
* ``sema.py`` -- a semantic ASN.1 object model, which can be constructed from
  the AST generated by ``parser.py``
* ``support/pygen.py`` -- a support library for generating Python code.
* ``pyasn1gen.py`` -- a code generator to transform a semantic model into
  ``pyasn1`` syntax. This can be used as a script in which case it will dump
  output to stdout.
* ``asn2quickder.py`` -- a code generator to transform a semantic model into
  ``Quick DER`` include file syntax.  This can be used as a command.

The ASN.1 parser is very ad-hoc, I've experimented with the grammar until I
found something that accepted our proprietary ASN.1 definition. It's based on
``pyparsing`` but sets up parse actions to build an annotated AST. Every node of
interest is annotated with a string denoting its type, e.g. ``Identifier``,
``TypeAssignment``, etc. I've tried to stay with token types as named in X.680,
but added custom ones or suppressed others, as necessary to get the AST in a
useful shape.

Annotated tokens are represented by a simple class containing the type name and
a list of children (called ``elements``) which may be annotated tokens, lists or
simple values. This gives a very discoverable tree structure, but there are
probably cleaner AST representations we could use. Patches welcome.

``asn1ate.sema`` is an object model that represents ASN.1 constructs. It
describes everything from type assignments to default values and tags, but still
only the parts of ASN.1 we happen to use here. Most of the logic revolves around
transforming the AST produced by ``asn1ate.parser`` into a more semantic model
with proper Python objects.

Codegen is designed to be extensible. In-house we have a set of code generators
to build an entire protocol stack based on an ASN.1 source, but ``asn1ate`` only
includes the generally useful one, ``asn1ate.pyasn1gen``.

The most notable members of ``asn1ate.support`` are probably the
``PythonWriter`` and ``PythonFragment`` classes, which simplify generation of
correctly indented Python code.


An ASN.1 compiler with a backend for Quick DER



Language:Python 96.7%Language:Makefile 2.3%Language:Batchfile 0.5%Language:Shell 0.5%