leemengtw / cat-recognition-app

The repository include code for build a ML application using Flask, Tensorflow

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Cat-recognition-app (archived)

This repository showcase a flask app which is able to recognize cats/dogs using TensorFlow.

However, we recommend visiting cat-recognition-train, where we train the model using enhanced and latest TensorFlow code. You can still reference the flask app defined in this repo to build your own web application.

Demo on Heroku

It may take some time to boot the heroku app because we have lots of dependencies.
The application is devided into two parts, left panel for uploading image for recognizing cats / dogs and the right panel act as gallery.



Although there are lots of good tutorials telling you how to build a machine learning model, we feel that there is little explanation about how to actually deploy your model as a web application.

So we decided to build a simple image classifier that is able to recognize cats and deploy it in order to simulate(or at least practice) how to actually deploy a ML model in real world.

We will also use TensorBoard to visualize how our model is learning to gain more insight.

Table of contents

  • Build environment (on mac)
  • Train a Convolutional Neural Network as image classifier
  • Visualizing Learning using Tensorboard
  • Build a Flask application
    • Allow users upload images
    • Make predictions using trained model
  • Deploy the application on Heroku

Build environment (on mac)

We will use python 3.6 and pyenv to management our environment.

pyenv install 3.6.1

Create a new virtual environment to manage dependencies and use the env under current project folder.

pyenv virtualenv 3.6.1 py3.6-ml-app
cd cat-recognition-app/
pyenv local py3.6-ml-app

Install dependencies for training models and visualization. We will train our models using TensorFlow on jupyter notebook.

pip install numpy tensorflow jupyter scipy pillow matplotlib seaborn jupyter_contrib_nbextensions ipywidgets

Train a Convoluational Neural Network

In this part, we will use TensorFlow to train a CNN to classify cats' images from dogs' image using Kaggle dataset Dogs vs. Cats. We will do the following things:

  • Load, resize and normalize the images
  • Create training/valid set
  • Train a CNN model
  • Serialize the model for later deployment

All steps described above will be included in the jupyter notebook cat_recognizer. If you want to execute the code in the notebook, install all the extra dependencies.

jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

Start a jupyter server:

jupyter notebook

And you should be able to open and run the notebook at localhost:8888.

Visualizing Learning using Tensorboard

When training the model defined in the cat_recognizer, in addition to the reported accuracy messages showed in the notebook, you may be wondering:

  • how do our neural network look like?
  • what kind of images do we actually put into the model?
  • do model improve during training?

These questions can be answered or better understood by viewing Tensorboard. To open the tensorboard for this repo, enter:

tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tensorboard/cat-recognizer/

And you should be able to see all the interesting things on localhost:6006:

Neural Network structure

As shown below, our simple neural network consist of two conv layers, followed by one fully-connected layer (fc1) and the output layer (fc2) with single neuron. In order to prevent overfitting, there is also a dropout mechnism between conv layer and fully-connected layer.

Notice here for the sake of clarity, some nodes (e.g. save, evaluation) are removed so that only the training nodes remains. You may see a more complex compuation graph on Tensorboard.

Model Performance

Accuracy and loss of trained model on Tensorboard

Some images used for Training

Images used in a mini-batch

Build a Flask application

In this part, we will build a simple flask web application which allow users to upload images and predict whether there are cats in the images using the model we trained in previous part.

In order to run the app, extra dependencies are needed:

pip install flask flask-bootstrap boto3

To start the flask application:

python app.py

And you should be able to view the app at localhost:5000 using the browsers.

Deploy the application on Heroku

In order to deploy the app on the Heroku, a user account and the Heroku CLI are required.

To install the Heroku CLI on mac:

brew install heroku/brew/heroku

Login using your account:

heroku login

Install the dependencies and setting files:

pip install gunicorn
pip freeze > requirements.txt

touch runtime.txt
echo "python-3.6.1" > runtime.txt

touch Procfile
echo "web: gunicorn app:app --log-file=-" > Procfile

Create a new Heroku application:

heroku create

Creating app... done, ⬢ damp-anchorage-60936
https://damp-anchorage-60936.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/damp-anchorage-60936.git

Deploy the application on Heroku. Your application id will be different from ours, which is damp-anchorage-60936

heroku git:remote -a damp-anchorage-60936
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git push heroku master

And you should be able to see the application on https://YOUR-APPLICATION-NUM.herokuapp.com/.

Run app on Docker

Get the image on the Dockerhub

docker pull leemeng/cat

Enable access to application running on docker @ localhost:1234

docker run -dp 1234:5000 leemeng/cat

Check whether the application is running

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
a887934e1849        leemeng/cat         "python3 app.py"    3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>5000/tcp   thirsty_carson

Stop the application

docker stop a887934e1849

Trouble Shooting

Try install CLI dev tools

xcode-select --install

Incompatable ruby version when installing Heroku CLI (MAC)

Update ruby using brew and make it the default ruby

brew install rbenv ruby-build

# Add rbenv to bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

# Install Ruby
rbenv install 2.4.2
rbenv global 2.4.2
ruby -v


To install all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt all at once:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The repository include code for build a ML application using Flask, Tensorflow


Language:Jupyter Notebook 91.1%Language:Python 5.9%Language:HTML 1.7%Language:JavaScript 1.0%Language:CSS 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%