leedaga / iot-center-flutter

InlfuxDB 2.0 dart client flutter demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IoT Center Demo v2. Build on InfluxDB.

This demo was designed to display data from Devices connected to IoT Center. Application is using InfluxDB v2 to store the data, Telegraf and MQTT.




  • device registration in InfluxDB
  • two types of device - virtual and mobile
  • remove device from InfluxDB
  • remove associated device data
  • displaying device info and measurements
  • data visualizations in gauge or simple chart
  • can use different dashboards for one device
  • write testing data to InfluxDB for virtual device
  • write sensor data to InfluxDB for mobile device


  • dashboard registration in InfluxDB
  • two types of dashboards - virtual or mobile
  • pair dashboard with device
  • editable charts parameters
  • customizable - adding and deleting charts


  • event based sensor listening
  • requesting permission from user
  • normalized object for simple write
  • detect available sensors

Getting Started


Run Application


Home page

Home page contains device ListView.


App bar on this screen contains basic functions:

  • Lock Lock add new device
  • Auto-renew Auto-renew refresh devices
  • Settings Lock settings page

Device ListView

Each device tile contains DeviceId and following actions:

  • SettingsLock for deleting device
  • Lock Lock go to device page

Add Device

To TextBox enter device id, in DropDownList select type of device and click to Save for create. Device is automatically registered in InfluxDB - it's write as point via WriteService with its authorization.

Example of creating device point in InfluxDB - createDevice:

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
var point = Point('deviceauth')
          .addTag('deviceId', deviceId)
          .addField('key', authorization.id)
          .addField('token', authorization.token);

Creating device IoT authorization via AuthorizationsApi - _createIoTAuthorization:

var authorizationApi = _influxDBClient.getAuthorizationsApi();
var permissions = [
          action: PermissionActionEnum.read,
          resource: Resource(
                  type: ResourceTypeEnum.buckets,
                  id: bucketId,
                  orgID: orgId,
                  org: org)),
          action: PermissionActionEnum.write,
          resource: Resource(
                  type: ResourceTypeEnum.buckets,
                  id: bucketId,
                  orgID: orgId,
                  org: org)),
AuthorizationPostRequest request = AuthorizationPostRequest(
        orgID: orgId,
        description: 'IoTCenterDevice: ' + deviceId,
        permissions: permissions);


Refresh Devices

Reload active devices (_value field cannot be empty) from InfluxDB using QueryService with following query - fetchDevices:

from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}")
    |> range(start: -30d)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "deviceauth"
                     and r["_field"] == "key")
    |> last()
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_value"] != "")

Delete Device

On each tile of device is SettingsLock for deleting device. After clicking on it, there is confirmation dialog with CheckBox for choose deleting device with associated data - if it's checked, data are deleted too.

Example of deleting data via DeleteService - deleteDevice:

var deleteApi = _influxDBClient.getDeleteService();
if (deleteWithData) {
    await deleteApi.delete(
          predicate: 'clientId="$deviceId"',
          start: DateTime(1970).toUtc(),
          stop: DateTime.now().toUtc(),
          bucket: _influxDBClient.bucket,
          org: _influxDBClient.org);

After deleting device isn't remove from InfluxDB - in this case deleting is meaning removing of device authorization and IoT Authorization.

Removed device has in InfluxDB empty fields key and token, it means, that device authorization was removed via WriteService- _removeDeviceAuthorization:

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
var point = Point('deviceauth')
          .addTag('deviceId', deviceId)
          .addField('key', '')
          .addField('token', '');

IoT Authorization is also removed, in this case AuthorizationsApi is used - _deleteIoTAuthorization:

 var authorizationApi = _influxDBClient.getAuthorizationsApi();

Settings Page


Dashboard tab contains ListView of all Dashboards stored in InfluxDB, with associated devices. It uses QueryService to load data - fetchDashboards:

from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}")
    |> range(start: -30d)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "$measurementDashboardFlutter")
    |> last()

For loading associated devices is use QueryService for each dashboard (identify by dashboardKey) - fetchDashboardDevices:

from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}") 
    |> range(start: 0) 
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "deviceauth")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "dashboardKey")
    |> last()
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._value == "$dashboardKey")

App bar on this tab has this functions:

  • Lock Lock add new dashboard
  • Auto-renew Auto-renew refresh dashboards

After clicking add new device button dialog is shown - to TextBox enter dashboard id, in DropDownList select type of dashboard and click to Save for create. Dashboard is automatically registered in InfluxDB - it's write as point via WriteService.

Example of creating dashboard point in InfluxDB - createDashboard:

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
var point = Point(measurementDashboardFlutter)
        .addTag("key", key)
        .addTag("deviceType", deviceType)
        .addField("data", dashboardData);

On each dashboard tile is SettingsLock for deleting - after clicking on it and after confirmation by Delete in dialog, dashboard is deleted from InfluxDB with all associations to devices via DeleteService - deleteDashboard:

var deleteApi = _influxDBClient.getDeleteService();
  predicate: 'dashboardKey="$dashboardKey"',
  start: DateTime(1970).toUtc(),
  stop: DateTime.now().toUtc(),
  bucket: _influxDBClient.bucket,
  org: _influxDBClient.org);


Each sensor is enabled individualy by pressing it's corresponding switch. Sensor sends all data immediately after switch is enabled. Running sensor also show current value underneath its name.

User is asked to allow permission when enables switch if needed. Sensors written in gray are not availeble.

All sensors sends data via events so we have informations when sensor values change.

Sensors are iplemented using dart/flutter libraries:

  • sensors_plus
  • battery_plus
  • environment_sensors
  • geolocator

Most of these libraries uses event's to comunicate state changes, some has only getter. Libraries with getters uses Stream.periodic to "convert" getter into events.

All sensors sends events with normalized data:

typedef SensorMeasurement = Map<String, double>;

From this map we can simply create object that we can sent into influxdb:

final measurements = metrics.map((key, value) {
  final field = sensor.name + (key != "" ? "_$key" : "");
  return MapEntry(field, value);

some sensors sends only one value so it's map has only "" key

Now we have everything we need for inflxudb write.

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
final point = Point("environment");
point.addTag("clientId", clientID)
  .addTag("device", device)
for (var m in measurements.entries) {
  point.addField(m.key, m.value);

Influx settings

This tab stored credentials for InfluxDB connection. Those credentials are saved locally in SharedPreferences.

App bar on this tab has this functions:

  • Lock Lock/ Lock open Lock open enable/disable editing

Loading is in method loadInfluxClient:

var prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
if (prefs.containsKey("influxClient")) {

Save credentials is allowed only in editable mode. Method for save is saveInfluxClient:

SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setString("influxClient", jsonEncode(this));

Device Detail Page


Dashboard tab contains chart ListView - it's scrollable and contains two different types of charts - gauge and simple. Both charts use QueryService to get data - fetchDeviceDataField

  • Gauge chart display average of all values in selected time range
import "influxdata/influxdb/v1"
    from(bucket: "${_client.bucket}")
        |> range(start: $maxPastTime)
        |> filter(fn: (r) => r.clientId == "${_config.id}" 
                    and r._measurement == "environment" 
                    and r["_field"] == "$field")
        |> mean()
  • Simple chart display average data for aggregate window
import "influxdata/influxdb/v1"
    from(bucket: "${_client.bucket}")
        |> range(start: $maxPastTime)
        |> filter(fn: (r) => r.clientId == "${_config.id}" 
                    and r._measurement == "environment" 
                    and r["_field"] == "$field")
        |> keep(columns: ["_value", "_time"])
        |> aggregateWindow(column: "_value", every: $aggregate, fn: mean)

App bar on this tab (in non-editable mode) contains:

  • "-1h" TextButton with selected time range
  • Auto-renew Auto-renew refresh charts
  • Auto-renew Auto-renew turn on editable mode - display/hide buttons for editing on chart tiles and FloatingActionButton button for add new chart.

App bar on this tab (in editable mode) contains:

  • Auto-renew Auto-renew change dashboard
  • Auto-renew Auto-renew turn off editable mode, save changes to dashboard in InfluxDB

Button 'change dashboard' open dialog with DropDownMenu - for getting dashboards is use QueryService, where are dashboards filtered by device type - fetchDashboardsByType:

from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}")
    |> range(start: -30d)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "$measurementDashboardFlutter")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["deviceType"] == "$deviceType")
    |> last()

After selecting dashboard and clicking 'Save' is dashboard associated to device. New point is created and write to InfluxDB by WriteService - pairDeviceDashboard:

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
var point = Point('deviceauth')
        .addTag('deviceId', deviceId)
        .addField('dashboardKey', dashboardKey);
        .addTag('dashboardKey', dashboardKey);

With InfluxDB 2.2, delete predicates can use any column or tag except _time, _field,or _value, so because of future possibility of deleting point is also added tag 'dashboardKey'.

In 'change dashboard' dialog new dashboard can be created - after clicking 'New' is open another dialog with TextBox for DashboardKey. The type of dashboard created in Device Detail page is the same as current device. Empty dashboard is saved to InfluxDB by WriteService - createDashboard:

var writeApi = _influxDBClient.getWriteService();
var point = Point(measurementDashboardFlutter)
        .addTag("key", key)
        .addTag("deviceType", deviceType)
        .addField("data", dashboardData);

After creating new dashboard, dialog for changing dashboard is showing again and in DropDownList is preselected newly created dashboard. Association to device is created after clicking 'Save'.

Each dashboard can be customized (in editable mode):

  • adding new charts - by clicking on FloatingActionButton is 'New Chart Page' open
  • editing charts - on each chart tile is Settings Lock button, which open 'Edit Chart Page'
  • delete chart - chart can be deleted on 'Edit Chart Page'

Changes on dashboard are saved to InfluxDB after clicking Auto-renew Auto-renew button and editable mode is turned off.


Device Detail

This page contains basic device information. For getting them is use method fetchDeviceWithDashboard - this method has two parts:

from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}")
    |> range(start: -30d)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "deviceauth" 
                     and r.deviceId == "$deviceId")
    |> last()
from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}") 
    |> range(start: 0) 
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "$measurementDashboardFlutter")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r.key == "$dashboardKey")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "data")
    |> last()

App bar on this tab has this functions:

while (lastTime < toTime) {
  lastTime += 60000;
  var point = Point('environment');
    .addTag('clientId', deviceId)
    .addField('Temperature', _generate(period: 30, min: 0, max: 40, time: lastTime))
    .addField('Humidity', _generate(period: 90, min: 0, max: 99, time: lastTime))
    .addField('Pressure', _generate(period: 20, min: 970, max: 1050, time: lastTime))
    .addField('CO2', _generate(period: 1, min: 400, max: 3000, time: lastTime).toInt())
    .addField('TVOC', _generate(period: 1, min: 250, max: 2000, time: lastTime).toInt())
    .addTag('TemperatureSensor', 'virtual_TemperatureSensor')
    .addTag('HumiditySensor', 'virtual_HumiditySensor')
    .addTag('PressureSensor', 'virtual_PressureSensor')
    .addTag('CO2Sensor', 'virtual_CO2Sensor')
    .addTag('TVOCSensor', 'virtual_TVOCSensor')
    .addTag('GPSSensor', 'virtual_GPSSensor')


Measurements tab contains ListView of basic metrics for each field of selected Device for last 30 days. It's use following QueryService - fetchMeasurements:

deviceData = from(bucket: "${_influxDBClient.bucket}")
    |> range(start: -30d)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "environment"
            and r.clientId == "$deviceId")
measurements = deviceData
    |> keep(columns: ["_field", "_value", "_time"])
    |> group(columns: ["_field"])
counts  =   measurements |> count()                
                         |> keep(columns: ["_field", "_value"]) 
                         |> rename(columns: {_value: "count"   })
maxValues = measurements |> max  ()  
                         |> toFloat()  
                         |> keep(columns: ["_field", "_value"]) 
                         |> rename(columns: {_value: "maxValue"})
minValues = measurements |> min  ()  
                         |> toFloat()  
                         |> keep(columns: ["_field", "_value"]) 
                         |> rename(columns: {_value: "minValue"})
maxTimes  = measurements |> max  (column: "_time") 
                         |> keep(columns: ["_field", "_time" ]) 
                         |> rename(columns: {_time : "maxTime" })

j = (tables=<-, t) => join(tables: {tables, t}, on:["_field"])

counts |> j(t: maxValues)
       |> j(t: minValues)
       |> j(t: maxTimes)
       |> yield(name: "measurements")

App bar on this tab contains:

  • Auto-renew Auto-renew refresh Measurements

Edit Chart & New Chart Page

Each chart in Charts ListView contains Settings Lock button (after unlock editing in AppBar) at Device Detail Page in tab Dashboard. By clicking it, Edit Chart page is displayed. New chart page is showed after clicking floatingActionButton on Device Detail Page in tab Dashboard.

On Edit chart page, chart can be deleted by clicking on Settings

Lock in AppBar and after confirmation dialog.

DropDown list Field: gets values from InfluxDB by QueryService - fetchFieldNames:

import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
        bucket: "${_client.bucket}",
        predicate: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "environment" 
                      and r["clientId"] == "${_config.id}")

After updating/creating chart are data automatically refreshed (only for updated/created chart, other charts aren't affected).


InlfuxDB 2.0 dart client flutter demo


Language:Dart 98.7%Language:Ruby 0.9%Language:Swift 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%