leebecker / cleartk-tutorials

ClearTK tutorials

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lesson 0: Configuration and Setup

Step 1: Create a new Maven project

File->New Project->Maven Project click "Next" check "Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)"

for Group Id, enter "edu.colorado.clear.tutorial" for Artifact Id, enter "ClearTkTutorial"

under Parent Project Group Id: org.cleartk Artifact Id: cleartk-release Version: 1.2.0

Step 2: Configure project

edit pom.xml in the root directory of ClearTkTutorial

Click on the dependencies tab and add the following:

groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-util groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-typesystem groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml-opennlp-maxent groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml-opennlp-eval

Step 3: Download and copy necessary files:

Step 1: Create a new Maven project

File->New Project->Maven Project click "Next" check "Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)"

for Group Id, enter "edu.colorado.clear.tutorial" for Artifact Id, enter "ClearTkTutorial"

under Parent Project Group Id: org.cleartk Artifact Id: cleartk-release Version: 1.2.0

Step 2: Configure project

edit pom.xml in the root directory of ClearTkTutorial

Click on the dependencies tab and add the following:

groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-util groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-typesystem groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml-opennlp-maxent groupId: org.cleartk, artifactId: cleartk-ml-opennlp-eval

Right click on your project -> Maven -> Update Project Configuration Right click on your project -> Maven -> Update Dependencies

Step 3: Download and copy necessary files:

Lesson 1: Querying CAS Contents

This lesson should teach you how to query the CAS for Annotations and their associated properties (known as Features)

  • Create a new class called DumpTweetPos

  • Make it inherit from org.uimafit.component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase

  • Now create a method with the following signature:

    @Override public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException

  • This method should iterate over and print out all of the "Sentences" in the CAS. Hint: Try playing with JCasUtil.select(...)

  • Once you have dumped out sentences, dump out all of the Tokens and their corresponding POS tags. Hint 1: Try playing with JCasUtil.selectCovered(...) Hint 2: Look at the methods within the Token class

Lesson 2: Running a pipeline

This lesson should teach you how to create a pipeline that reads in the tweet-pos data into the CAS and then subsequently calls your DumpTweetPos annotator.

  • Create a new class called RunDumpTweetPos, check public static void(main String[] args) before clicking Finish

  • Look at the signatures for SimplePipeline.runPipeline(...).

    • What do you need to call this method?
  • Create a CollectionReaderDescription object Hint 1: UriCollectionReader.getDescriptionFromFiles(...) Hint 2: Arrays.asList

  • Build an aggregate analysis engine. There are several reasons to use aggregate engines, that are beyond the scope of this lesson. For now start by creating a new AggregateBuilder

  • You will need to add descriptions of the following analysis engines (Annotators):

    • UriToDocumentTextAnnotator
    • TweetPosReaderAnnotator
    • DumpTweetPos

Lesson 3: Building a ClearTK Annotator

This lesson should teach you to build your own classifier based annotators, by using CleartkAnnotator, Features, and Instances.

  • Create a new class called TweetPosTagger. Inherit from CleartkAnnotator

  • Implement the process method

  • Things to know Instance instance = new Instance() instance.addAll(...) new Feature(name, value) this.isTraining() this.dataWriter.write(instance) this.classifier.classify(instance)

  • Advanced stuff CleartkExtractor FeatureFunctionExtractor

Lesson 4: Evaluation

This lesson will teach you how to organize your code and pipelines for evaluation of NLP components

  • Create a new class called TweetPosEval. Inherit from Evaluation_ImplBase<File, AnnotationStatistics>

  • Implement getCollectionReader Hint: Look at your RunDumpTweetPosPipeline and combine it with CollectionReaderFactory.createCollectionReader

  • Implement your training pipeline in the train() method Hint 1: This will look very similar to RunDumpTweetPosPipeline Hint 2: Train.main() is what actually packages your extracted data into a model.jar file

    • Things to know:
      • DefaultDataWriterFactory.PARAM_DATA_WRITER_CLASS_NAME
      • MaxenStringOutcomeDataWriter.class
      • DirectoryDataWriterFactory.PARAM_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
  • Implement your testing/evaluation pipeine in the test() method

  • Implement a main method that class your new evaluation class.


ClearTK tutorials


Language:Java 100.0%