ledsoft / intelligent-tree-select

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


React tree select component based on react-select and react-virtualized-select

Before start

Before you can use this component you will need Node.js in version 6.5+, but i recommend to use the latest available version.

Getting started

Easiest way is to install via NPM

npm install intelligent-tree-select --save

Then import it

import { VirtualizedTreeSelect } from 'intelligent-tree-select'
import { IntelligentTreeSelect } from 'intelligent-tree-select'
import "intelligent-tree-select/lib/styles.css"
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';

example of the usage in the src/demo.js

Virtualized tree select Props

Props types are same as the one introduced by react-select@1.x The additional parameters introduced by virtualized-tree-select are optional. They are:

Property Type Default Value Description
childrenKey string 'children' path of the child value in option objects
expanded bool false whether the options are expanded by default
isMenuOpen bool false Whether the menu is open. Setting this to true force menu to me always opened
maxHeight number 300 Maximum height of the dropdown menu
minHeight number 0 Minimum height of the dropdown menu
menuRenderer func - overriding build-in drop-down menu render function
optionRenderer func - overriding build-in option render function
optionHeight number or func 25px Option height. Dynamic height can be supported via a function with the signature ({ option: Object }): number
optionLeftOffset number 16px Option base left offset. Left offset is calculated as depth level of the option * optionLeftOffset
renderAsTree bool true whether options should be rendered as a tree.

Custom Option Renderer

You can override the built-in option renderer by specifying your own optionRenderer property. Your renderer should return a React element that represents the specified option. It will be passed the following named parameters:

Property Type Description
childrenKey string Attribute of option that contains the children key.
focusedOption Object The option currently-focused in the dropdown. Use this property to determine if your rendered option should be highlighted or styled differently.
focusedOptionIndex number Index of the currently-focused option.
focusOption Function Callback to update the focused option; for example, you may want to call this function on mouse-over.
key string A unique identifier for each element created by the renderer.
labelKey string Attribute of option that contains the display text.
option Object The option to be rendered.
optionIndex number Index of the option to be rendered.
selectValue Function Callback to update the selected values; for example, you may want to call this function on click.
optionStyle Object Styles that must be passed to the rendered option. These styles are specifying the position of each option (required for correct option displaying in the dropdown).
valueArray Array<Object> Array of the currently-selected options. Use this property to determine if your rendered option should be highlighted or styled differently.
valueKey string Attribute of option that contains the value.

Intelligent tree select props

Property Type Default Value Description
displayInfoOnHover bool false
labelValue func -- Return the label for option. Function with signature ({ option: Object }): string
onOptionCreate function -- callback when the new option is created. Signature ({ option: Object}): none
optionLifetime string '5m' String representing how long the options should be cached. Syntax: XdXhXmXs where X is some number, d stands for days, h hours ,m minutes, s seconds
showSettings bool 'true' whether the section with settings and button for creating new option should be visible
simpleTreeData bool true whether the options are in the simple format. (One node == one option)
fetchOptions func -- Signature: ({searchString, optionID, limit, offset}): Promise. If the optionID is not an empty string then the function should return children options of that option. If the searchString is not an empty string then the function should return all options whose label value match the searchStromg + their parent options
fetchLimit number 100 amount of data to be fetched
multi bool true whether the select in multi select or not
name string -- Unique name for the component. Whenever this prop is set then the options will be cached
formComponent func -- Function returning React element representing form. Syntax ({onOptionCreate, toggleModal, options, labelKey, valueKey, childrenKey}): React.component
filterComponent func -- Function returning React element representing filter. Syntax ({setInnerState, multi, expanded, displayInfoOnHover, renderAsTree}): React.component


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.3%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:HTML 0.3%