learn-co-students / skills-course-introduction-nyc-fe-061118

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Front End Web Development


Congratulations on graduating from your program!!! It may not have been easy, but you persevered and have become a designer. Next, you will need to prepare to start your job search and continue to develop your talents.

This roadmap will help you chart a course through the next six months as you embark on your journey. It can be hard to know what to do in the unstructured time that follows an intensive program, especially without the regular social contact, routines, or accountability that supported you through it. Now that you are a graduate, it is up to you to establish that structure for yourself. This lesson includes some recommendations for how to structure your time week-to-week and over the coming months.

In this part-time course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of front-end web development — including including HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and programming with JavaScript.

Whether your goal is to build a website, style an email newsletter or collaborate with developers, this course will ensure you not only gain the power to read others' code, you gain the insight to create it on your own.

Identify Your Tasks

Think about dividing your time up among tasks in three buckets, roughly in order of priority:

  1. Career Services Commitment
  2. Upskilling (this course) & Portfolio Development
  3. Your To-Do List

Syllabus and Roadmap

Plan to take up to two weeks on each of the sections below. Note that the speed at which you move through this course is less important than the level of understanding you reach. While you're going through the lessons and labs, try to understand how you might apply what you're learning to design work that you've done in the past in order to contextualize the material you're learning.

Section 1: The Learn IDE And Basic HTML

GIF of viewing source

Begin the course by working in the Learn IDE and learning to write valid HTML.

Section 2: HTML Forms, Media And Basic Styling

Section 2 expands on how to use HTML tags in order to create input fields with forms, pulling data from other sites via <iframe> (Inline Frame), and embedding media. We'll also learn about separation of content from presentation, element targeting for CSS, and basic styling.

Section 3: Advanced Layouts, Flexbox, CSS Grid And Responsive Principles

We learned to style basic pages in Section 2. Now learn advanced types of layout so that sites look great on tablets, phones, and desktops. We'll use the "flexbox" and "CSS grid" techniques to make this happen.

Grid reflow

Section 4: Project: Simple, Responsive HTML/CSS Website

Section 4 serves as a chance to review what we've learned to this point and to complete the first portfolio project: a hosted site with a responsive presentation based on screen size (i.e. mobile device, tablet, or computer).

Section 5: JavaScript And The DOM

JavaScript changing graphic elements

Section 5 will introduce JavaScript (the language of the browser) and the DOM (Document-Object Model). We'll train up on our basic programming skills:

  • Declaring and assigning variables
  • Making decisions
  • Repeating steps
  • Declaring and running functions

These skills will be required to utilize JavaScript but are common to all programming languages.

Section 6: JavaScript Data Structures

In Section 6 we'll practice using JavaScript as a general programming language. We'll take the next step and learn to work with Objects and Arrays. These are data types that contain other data types. We will use the DOM skills from Section 5 to display the data contained in Arrays and Objects.

Section 7: JavaScript Event Binding

The browser is an event-based environment: clicking, scrolling, etc. To respond to those events, we'll need to learn about how JavaScript handles events. We'll learn to update the screen by linking events to screen updates.

Section 8: Asynchrony And Fetch In JavaScript

What is it that creates the "infinite scroll"? Somehow browsers know how to seamlessly fetch data to keep the experience fast and pretty. The tool to accomplish this is "AJAX" and we'll be exploring it this section.

Section 9: Project: HTML, CSS And JavaScript

In Section 9, we'll integrate all the material learned in the previous sections and begin making a final project that unites page structure in HTML, style in CSS, and provides fast feedback with JavaScript.

In the final section of the course, we'll finish building the second project, which will be viewable on [GitHub][].

Demo Application GIF

