learn-co-students / 071921-Phase2-Code-Challenge-Cast-Bill

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Cast Bill: Vol 1

You're producing a new movie, but the only available actor is Bill Murray. Fortunately, you have access to many incarnations of Mr. Murray, so you can pick and choose which ones you will cast.


For this project, you’ll be building out a React application that displays a list of available Bill Murrays, with some other features. Try your best to find the right places to insert code into the established code base.

After forking/cloning this repo:

  1. Run npm install in the project directory.
  2. Run npm run server, which will start the json server on port 8002.
  3. In a new terminal, run npm start, which will start up your react app on port 8000.

Make sure to open http://localhost:8002/bills in the browser to verify that your backend is working before you proceed!

These are the endpoints you might need:

  • GET: /bills
  • POST: /bills
  • DELETE: /bills/:id

Core Deliverables

As a user, I should be able to:

  • See profiles of all Bill Murrays rendered in BillCollection.
  • Add an individual Bill to the cast by clicking on it. The selected actor should render in the YourCast component. The instance of Bill Murray can be enlisted only once. The actor does not disappear from the BillCollection.
  • Remove an actor from the cast by clicking on it. The actor disappears from the YourCast component.
  • Discharge a Bill Murray from their agency forever, by clicking the blue button that says "FIRE". This removes the actor from both the BillCollection and YourCast components on the frontend.

All of the code to style the page has been written for you, meaning that you should be adding to the code rather than editing it; however, if your finished product has some styling issues, don't worry too much about it.

Bonus Deliverables

As a user, I should be able to:

  • Persist the cast info to the database by POSTing or PATCHing to the /bills endpoint, and DELETEing from the /bills/:id endpoint.
  • Choose if I want to cast a Bill into my movie or just see thier data. Clicking on the card should instead display a show view (billspecs) for that actor, which should replace BillCollection. billspecs should have two buttons: one to go back to the list view and another to cast that actor.
  • Sort actors by their health, salary, or rating. For this, create a new component, SortBar.



Language:JavaScript 69.3%Language:HTML 26.2%Language:CSS 4.5%