leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover

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Omega builds illegal proof term containing pos_pow_of_pos

bollu opened this issue · comments


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Consider the MWE (lean playground link here):

application type mismatch
argument has type
but function has type
  ∀ {n : Nat} (m : Nat), 0 < n → 0 < n ^ m
theorem omega_fail
  (n : Nat)
  (i : Int)
  (h2n : (2 : Int) ^ n = ↑((2 : Nat) ^ (n : Nat)))
  (hlt : i % 2 ^ n < 2 ^ n) :  2 ^ n ≠ 0 :=
  by omega /- No goals -/

Omega builds an incorrect proof term for this goal state.


Occurred when proving bitblasting theorems.

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior: Omega should succeed without an illegal proof.

Actual behavior: Omega builds an illegal proof term.


Live lean version: "4.9.0-nightly-2024-05-11"

Additional Information

[Additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue]


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Thanks! Fixed in #4141.