leandromperez / specleaks

Unit Tests Memory Leaks in Swift. Write readable tests for mem leaks easily with these Quick and Nimble extensions.

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Problem with pod

fmirault opened this issue · comments

I tried to import SpecLeaks with cocoapods (specifying pod 'SpecLeaks' in my podfile), but it seems that many files are missing.

In fact, I only got LeakTest.swift, but all the other files are not downloaded.

Maybe there is a problem with your pod configuration ?

I have the same problem. Any solution?

Do you have some updates ?

@fmirault Sorry for the late late response, I have been too busy. I just uploaded a new version 0.1.1 and tested it with a blank app. You should be able to use SpecLeaks now.

Remember to set it in your test target, something like this:

target 'TestingAppTests' do TestingApp is the default target while TestingAppTests is the testing target
pod 'SpecLeaks'

Can you please let me know if that works for you?

@mbarnach I had to remove macOS support because it was causing issues with lib lint and couldn't push to trunk. I created a feature branch here: https://github.com/leandromperez/specleaks/tree/feature/0.1.1.macos.support in case you're interested in taking a look and run pod lib lint. I couldn't found the issue.

@MrAtiebatie Can you try now?

I still didn't received the right files through Cocoapods. However take a look at my fork:
I managed to get it to work by removing the swift version from the podspec file.

Hi @MrAtiebatie,
I've just added support for Swift 5 and Travis.CI is running the tests. I'm closing this issue, if you are still experiencing this, could you please re-open it?