ldx / python-iptables

Python bindings for iptables

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Rule multiple Dst Addresses

zkryakgul opened this issue · comments

I want to add multiple dst addresses to my rule like in ip tables for example:

iptables -A OUTPUT -o enp0s3 -p tcp --dst,, -m multiport --dports 80,443 -m comment --comment Test -j DROP
I wrote a script that is add rule's from given json. And if i give the script a json like this and ran it:

data2 = {
  "action": "add_rule",
  "parameters": {
    "action": "DROP",
    "out_interface": "enp0s3",
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "source": "any",
    "source_port": "any",
    "destination": ",,",
    "destination_port": "80,443",
    "log": "True",
    "description": "Test",
    "chain": "OUTPUT",
    "table": "FILTER"

it says invalid address,,

But when i ran iptables command in cli it works perfectly with no error.

i looked at your code little bit and think about adding some line like this to the set_dst function in ip4tc.py but it will probably cause for some other errors.

    def set_dst(self, dst):
        if dst[0] == "!":
            self.entry.ip.invflags |= ipt_ip.IPT_INV_SRCIP
            dst = dst[1:]
            self.entry.ip.invflags &= (~ipt_ip.IPT_INV_SRCIP &

        # Split for multiple dst adress list
        dst_list = dst.split(",")

        for dst in dst_list: 
            slash = dst.find("/")
            if slash == -1:
                addr = dst
                netm = ""
                addr = dst[:slash]
                netm = dst[slash + 1:]

So if it is possible i dont want to add them like seperate rules for each ip.