ldipotetjob / server-side-test-master

Scala Server Test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server Test (Scala)

This test assignment is designed around an ad serving scenario. When an ad is served, an impression tracking event is fired to the server. You are supposed to create endpoints for saving the impression, retrieving it , counting it and calculating charges.

Endpoints needed for the solution (given in their order of importance)

URL (sample) Description
/impression For saving the impression
/impression/1 Returning Saved Impression
/count/bidder/appnexus/date/2019-09-13 Returning number of impressions for that bidder on that date
/charges Returns the charges for all impressions present in DB

You should NOT add any extra libraries to build.sbt to complete this task. This code is simplified from what could be on production systems. Once you are finished, please add your notes towards the bottom of this README.md file. This could include thoughts, concerns, limitations, risks, issues of what has been submitted, specifically around what happens if this code is moved to production.

Project structure

├── README.md
├── app
│   ├── common
│   │   └── Module.scala
│   └── track
│       ├── ImpressionRepository.scala
│       ├── ChargeCalculator.scala
│       ├── api
│       │   └── ImpressionApi.scala
│       └── domain
│           └── Impression.scala
│           └── ImpressionCharge.scala
├── build.sbt
├── conf
│   ├── application.conf
│   ├── evolutions
│   │   └── default
│   │       └── 1.sql
│   │       └── 2.sql
│   ├── logback.xml
│   └── routes
├── project
│   ├── build.properties
│   ├── plugins.sbt
└── test

Running project

  • Use sbt run to run the project
  • Use sbt test to run tests

Calculating charges (charges endpoint)

What is the fun in storing impression if we can't charge? :-). So in this hypothetical situation we are going to charge like this.

Time Frame Charges Comments
7-9am 0.11 Morning charge
6-9pm 0.12 Evening charge
Rest of time 0.10 Default charge
Weekend Charge 0.04 In addition to above

this calculation will be needed to return appropriate values when charges endpoint is called.

Testing the endpoints

To test that it is working

Impression Endpoint

 curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9000/impression \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
      "placement-id": "ABC123",
      "bidder": "appnexus"

should return Json of the form

        "impression-id": 1

To get the impression

curl -X GET http://localhost:9000/impression/1 

should return Json of the form

       "id": 1,
       "placement-id": "ABC123",
       "bidder": "appnexus",
       "timestamp": "2019-09-13T20:30:00.98"

If impression not found then should return Http 4xx with Json of the form

    "status": "failed",
    "message": "Couldn't find impression 1"

To get the count

curl -X GET http://localhost:9000/count/bidder/appnexus/date/2019-09-12T07:30:01

should return

{ "impression-count": 2}

depending on number of impressions saved. For example in this case 2 impressions were saved.

If impressions were not found then need to return Http 4xx with Json of the form

    "status": "failed",
    "message": "Couldn't find impressions for that bidder randomBidder for day 2019-09-13"

To get charges

curl -X GET http://localhost:9000/charges 

should return Json of the form

        "id": 1,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-12T07:30:00",
        "rate": 0.11
        "id": 2,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-12T13:30:00",
        "rate": 0.1
        "id": 3,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-12T18:00:00",
        "rate": 0.12
        "id": 4,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-14T07:30:00",
        "rate": 0.15
        "id": 5,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-14T13:30:00",
        "rate": 0.14
        "id": 6,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-14T18:00:00",
        "rate": 0.16
        "id": 7,
        "timestamp": "2019-09-15T07:30:00",
        "rate": 0.15

when the objects mentioned in 2.sql file is present in db (Remember to add your sql insert statements there)


We have added specs2 and scala-test packages for you. Please add your tests in test directory.


Scala Server Test


Language:Scala 100.0%