lcsouzamenezes / bingo_twingo

Offline and online bingo classic game. Frontend and backend. Backend with node, express and Frontend RAW javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Remove non used imports, non useful lines of code, non updated comments... Try to simplify chunks of code cleaning, summarazing, refactoring, renaming and improving code readability.
  • The way we start offline and online mode of playing are not unified. In offline mode we have an 'app' closure managing all applicationflow. In online mode is a bunch of concatenated modals with no reliable management. -Export/import players from/to a cvs should be removed completely
  • i18n (internationalization. Several languages)
  • Refactor to support CSS theming structuring better html tags and tidyng up current class mess.
  • In online version user should check manually numbers extracted from bombo that matches with their own bingo card. Two modes in settings.js. Automatic, it is how it works now, every ball extracted from bombo matching with one of our card numbers it's highlighted automatically. Manual, if you forget to click on matched number in your bingo own card you miss the chance to get a line or bingo. Otherwise if you click in a wrong card number and claim a bingo or line the server should check validity and aprove or reject claim.
  • One unit test for every .js file in our src/ with several unit testing assertiions each, one using jest library. Unit testing coverage above 90% whole code.
  • Continous Integration. A way to deploy in a free hosting service(heroku or other) an exact mirror of our current git 'main' branch in an open accessible server on Internet. (github webhooks could help)
  • package.json should include 'doc' script. It will build programming documentation inside doc/ folder. Not anywhere else. Using jsdoc3 module.
  • Implement a basic routing system with at least these routes: /, online, offline, contact, signin, singup, logout, about.
  • Once we have online mode it's time to remove offline play mode. Or at least it should be congigurable from settings.js. enableOffline=true/false to let play or not offline
  • Dockerfile


Bingo twingo is a web application development project in offline and online mode (using websockets with that consists of a traditional online bingo game to play without an internet connection or online with other remote players. Its fast and funny and doesn't require any kind of sign in, sing up, fuck up, cookie hell... and all the annoying things usually around modern web apps.

Has been developed as single page application with RAW ES6 javascript. The only third party library used in frontend has been socket_io_client.

In backend (server side) we use nodejs + express +


Start developing

npm intall (only once) npm buildDev npm start Open browser http://localhost:8080

Deploying in production

npm buildProd

Now in dist folder we have all javascripts, css,assets ... optimized to deploy. Go to dist/ folder and serve your web app: node server.js Open browser in http://YOUR_IP:8080

Project technology background

Expack is the bare-bones Express and Webpack boilerplate with ES6+ babel transpilation, ESLint linting, Hot Module Reloading, and Jest test framework enabled.

Expack has two build modes: Development and Production.

When you run npm run buildDev, Javascript, HTML, and CSS files are unminified and not uglified, meaning that you can easily inspect them in Chrome Dev Tools. Hot Module Reloading is enabled via webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware.

When you run npm run buildProd, Javascript, HTML, and CSS files are all minified and uglified, and images are encoded as Base64 directly into your CSS file, which results in less calls to the server for image files.

Google App Engine Flex Deployment

Expack can be deployed directly to Google App Engine Flex with the command npm run deploy. IMPORTANT: Currently app.yaml is configured to use minimal resources to save on cost, which is great for development but terrible for production. Please review and update app.yaml to suit your own needs.

Get starting 🚀

To be able to put the web application into operation you need to have these tools installed.


If your operating system is windows you can go to the official node.js page and you can download the executable, if your operating system is linux perform the following steps.

Requires Node.js v4+ to run.

$ sudo apt install nodejs

To check if nodejs and the npm package installer has been installed correctly we can use:

$ node --version

$ npm --version

For development environments…

We install all the packages that the application needs for its deployment.

$ npm install

When all the packages have finally been installed we will create the execution files with weback:

$ npm run buildDev

And finally to run the project through port 8080:

$ npm start

For testing

$ npm test
$ npm run coverage        // generates a coverage report


Node.js: what is ENOSPC error and how to solve?

$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Upgrade node to the latest stable

$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable

Free Software, Hell Yeah!



Offline and online bingo classic game. Frontend and backend. Backend with node, express and Frontend RAW javascript

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 81.7%Language:CSS 18.0%Language:HTML 0.3%