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util.quake:toggle() stopped working

lpanebr opened this issue · comments

I think that the the comment I added to my previous issue #536 (comment)_ is really related to the Alacritty update.

On the following config the first three definitions work perfectly using st and PureRef for the app, but the last one, using alacritty does not work anymore.

local qVolume = lain.util.quake {
    app = "st",
    name = "Volume",
    argname = "-n Volume",
    extra = "-c Volume -e pulsemixer",
    height = 0.3,
    width = 1,
    followtag = true,

local qQuickShell = lain.util.quake {
    app = "st",
    name = "QuickShell",
    argname = "-n QuickShell",
    extra = "-c QuickShell -e tmux",
    followtag = true,
    width = 0.5,
    height = 1,

local qTextScratchpad = lain.util.quake {
    app = "PureRef",
    name = "PureRef",
    height = 0.5,
    followtag = true,

local qDotFiles = lain.util.quake {
    app = "alacritty",
    name = "DotFiles",
    argname = "-t DotFiles",
    extra = "--class DotFiles",
    followtag = true,
    width = 0.5,
    height = 1,

Below is the xprop of if:


Maybe it has something to do with it having two Classes?

I tried but could not change that.

Any idea?

After alacritty updated to version 0.10.1+1-20220826T02014 it started working again.