lcpz / awesome-copycats

Awesome WM themes

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Dmenu makes tag disappear

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awesome v4.3 (Too long)
• Compiled against Lua 5.3.5 (running with Lua 5.3)
• D-Bus support: ✔
• execinfo support: ✔
• xcb-randr version: 1.6
• LGI version: 0.9.2

Best way I could explain this:

Ever since the migration to awesome 4.x, when you spawn dmenu, one of the tags (workspaces) disappears. But if there is something else like a terminal on that work space (tag) it doesn't seem to happen. Only on a blank work space. This also doesn't happen in the last version of awesome 3.5.9

way to reproduce:

This happens on any theme used
move to a work space with nothing on it, spawn dmenu, and select an application, once it opens check the tag will be lost. But when you reload awesome the tag comes visable again

I can't reproduce.

Does this happen with default Awesome theme as well?

Can you make a video, or link me your configurations?

It doesn't happen on awesome default config.
Here are the links to my configs, it's updated latest lain, free desktop etc. I will try to make a video tomorrow.
the more info you have the better :)

I experience this too.

This is the look at first.


After accessing the dmenu several times the active workspace number disappears from the menu bar.
Then you get this.

Ofcourse people report we have a bug or an issue since they their workspaces disappear. We try to avoid this issue by using rofi as a launch application. But that is not really a solution.
Here is a video showing the issue
Password to see it is : awesome

Hope you can replicate it. This is the iso that we are using. ArcoLinux- Awesome

it was a keybinding issue after all, closing issue