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Inappropriate Display of 'Get Started' Button for Users with Layer5io Account

captain-Akshay opened this issue ยท comments


The site currently displays a signup button regardless of whether the user has a cookie indicating prior signup. This behavior is not consistent with user expectations and may lead to confusion.

Expected Behavior

After a user has signed up and a relevant cookie is present, the 'Get Started' button should not be displayed to enhance a streamlined and personalized user experience.

Possible Solution:

Implement logic to check for the presence of a signup-related cookie. If the cookie is present, do not display the signup button. Ensure this check is performed consistently across page loads.


(This is even i have logged in Layer5io)



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i want to work on this issue..

@narasimha-1511 sorry I forgot to assign it to me but if you can fix it then please raise a PR for it and i will make sure that the it merged!

We cant access the cookies of other website from correct website. As "Get Started" is in and we are registering on . Access these cookie is not possible. I have tried it.

I'll have to try this out...