lavinjj / angularjs-localizationservice

AngularJS Resource Localization Service

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using i18n for localization does not show translation in internet explorer (IE) 9

piu opened this issue · comments


Hello there,
we are using angular's i18n for localization in our application and it works fine in IE10 onwards and in other browser, but in IE the text doen't appear, there is no error in console too.
The way we are using the localization in View is by below ways in our application :

  1. using expression in html elements : {{'localizedStringKey'|i18n}}
  2. using as attribute to html tags: data-i18n="localizedStringKey"

So does that mean i18n is not supported in IE9 or is there any way around to get localization work in IE9 for angular JS application ?

I've used the localization service in versions of IE starting from IE8 up to IE11. Usually when no text appears it means that you do not have a matching entry in the lookup table for the particular language being used by the browser. Have you tried setting a break point in the function getLocalizedString to see what is returned? Also it might be helpful to make sure the correct lookup table is requested in the function initLocalizedResources.

I have this working in both IE9 and IE8 in a production environment - so I would advise its some other issue in your code.