laughedelic / atom-ide-scala

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Add a command to launch sbt shell in the builtin terminal

laughedelic opened this issue · comments

Since v0.11 Atom IDE UI has a terminal and it seems to be possible to open it with a given command: facebookarchive/atom-ide-ui#220 (comment).

It would be nice to have a command to open sbt shell inside Atom. It could be also useful to suggest it (as a notification with a button) when launching Metals, if there is no running sbt server yet (project/target/active.json).

I think this would be very useful

@cquiroz let me know if you want to work on this.

Adding a command should be easy, but opening the terminal with the right configuration needs some investigation (see the linked comment). I'm not 100% it's currently possible, but if not, it's a valid feature request to atom-ide-ui.

I supposed I could try though I'm quite short on time.

No problem. There's no time limit. I don't think I'm going to dig into this any time soon, so it'll stay an open challenge.

Am i correct that the first thing is to add a facade to scalajs-atom-api for atom-ide-terminal?

Yes, that would be very helpful. But you don't need to write facades for everything right away. Try to experiment with the available API first (with js.Dynamic) and see what's needed.