laserlemon / figaro

Simple Rails app configuration

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Railties loading after Gem causes load order issue

jharbert opened this issue · comments

Bonsai Elasticsearch Rails is a simple gem that requires the environment variable ENV['BONSAI_URL'] to be set.

Though I'm listing bonsai-elasticsearch-rails above figaro in my Gemfile, the application.yml file is not parsed before Bonsai Elasticsearch Rails is loaded, and causes Bonsai Elasticsearch Rails to not find the environment variable.

I believe this is because Figaro.load is kicked off in Railties here:, and that this takes place after the gems are loaded.

So even explicitly calling:

require 'figaro'
require 'bonsai-elasticsearch-rails'

in my application.rb file does not allow Bonsai Elasticsearch Rails to use the environment variable loaded with Figaro.

Your assessment is totally correct. Currently, Figaro depends on some Rails constructs like Rails.env and Rails.root, which means that the before_configuration Rails hook is as early as we can load Figaro. The alternative here would be to defer requiring bonsai-elasticsearch-rails until after Figaro is loaded. For example:

# Gemfile

gem "figaro"
gem "bonsai-elasticsearch-rails", require: false
# config/application.rb


module FooBar
  class Application < Rails::Application
    require "bonsai-elasticsearch-rails"

Not ideal but I hope that helps!