lascic / UIOnboarding

Apple-esque animated welcome screen for iOS and iPadOS. Configurable.

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Configure the height of the button layer

bircni opened this issue · comments

Hi - so i have this problem:
I only want to have the button at the bottom, not a text or other stuff, but the size around the button still is HUGE - could you fix this?
Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-29 um 23 02 06

Hey, thanks for reaching out. If you only want to have the button at the bottom without the notice text or icon above it, please refer to issue #11 where this has been addressed and fixed.
I hope this is what you're aiming for based on your issue description. If not, let me know and we'll work towards a solution. Thank you.

Sorry - no this did not fix it
I can remove the text but the huge lightgray view in which the button is doesnt get adjusted.
It should get smaller so it doesnt take up so much space even when there is no text

I quickly tested it and it does the desired outcome you described by leaving out textViewConfiguration. Did you try that? Make sure the package is updated to v2.0.1.

// In UIOnboardingHelper.swift
extension UIOnboardingViewConfiguration {
    static func setUp() -> UIOnboardingViewConfiguration {
        .init(appIcon: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpIcon(),
              firstTitleLine: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpFirstTitleLine(),
              secondTitleLine: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpSecondTitleLine(),
              features: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpFeatures(),
              // textViewConfiguration: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpNotice(),
              buttonConfiguration: UIOnboardingHelper.setUpButton())