larsberg / ofxMarchingCubes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

wireframe to mesh

julapy opened this issue · comments


hi @larsberg,
great addon, just started playing around with it.
this is not an issue but a question.

im looking to turn some wireframes into isosurface meshes,
in the same way toxiclibs does it =>

can you tell me if marching cubes can achieve this?
i can't seem to figure out how to represent a line with marching cubes...
any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


hmm... Have you had any luck with this? does it need to run in real time? I haven't tried this, but it seems to me like you could figure out which voxels each line intersects and where it intersects them and then use that info to add values to those voxels and their neighbors. You'd have to do some 3D antialiasing for it to look smooth though.

sorry I couldn't be more help! If you get it figured out I'd love to hear how.
