larralapid / guess-who-slack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implement game logic

larralapid opened this issue · comments


Implementing Game Logic

  1. Setup the Game Logic: First, you'll need to develop the rules for the "Guess Who?" game. This would include defining the character set, deciding how to randomly select the character for each game, and defining the conditions for winning or losing.

  2. Manage User Input: You would need to set up listeners to manage user input. These listeners would respond to user inputs, like slash commands, button clicks, and input blocks. The listeners should be able to parse the user's input, update the game state accordingly, and send an appropriate response.

  3. Game States: You need to manage different game states such as 'start', 'in progress', 'end', and 'reset'. You would need functions that initialize a new game, update the game state, check if the game is over, and reset the game.

  4. Manage Errors: Make sure to handle any errors or edge cases, like if a user tries to make a move when it's not their turn, or guesses a character that doesn't exist.

  1. Setup the Game Logic: First, you'll need to develop the rules for the "Guess Who?" game. This would include defining the character set, deciding how to randomly select the character for each game, and defining the conditions for winning or losing.

Character Set: At the start of each game, 24 random slack workspace members will be selected. Each game will always use 24 random members. The mystery cards for each player will pull from these 24 members too.

How to win: When a player wins a game (guesses their opponent's mystery card correctly), the winner receives a point. Their total points on the leaderboard will be incremented by 1.