larrabee / s3sync

Really fast sync tool for S3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nothing is saved to TARGET

MislavSag opened this issue · comments


I have pulled docker image today and tried command

docker run --rm -ti larrabee/s3sync --sk xxx --ss xxx --sr eu-central-1 -w 4 "s3://equity-usa-earningsevents" "fs:///equity-usa-earningsevents/"
docker run --rm -ti larrabee/s3sync --sk xx --ss xx--sr eu-central-1 --filter-dirs -w 4 s3://equity-usa-earningsevents F:/equity-usa-earningsevents

I have run the command fomr F:/.
I would like to sync my S3 with F:/equity-usa-earningsevents directory.
I am not sure if I sey the TARGET in right way.
I am on windows.

Here is the output of the command

PS F:\>
>> docker run --rm -ti larrabee/s3sync --sk AKIA43AHCLIIM6XWLNLJ --ss CQIJi+hZL9IAv36SanUAX9FR3dnUUGwcXQnYFrzP --sr eu-central-1 --filter-dirs -w 4 s3://equity-usa-earningsevents F:///equity-usa-earningsevents
INFO[0000] Starting sync
INFO[0000] Pipeline step finished                        ErrorObj=0 InputObj=0 InputObjSpeed=0 OutputObj=20 OutputObjSpeed=71.95955585122937 stepName=ListSource stepNum=0
INFO[0000] Pipeline step finished                        ErrorObj=0 InputObj=20 InputObjSpeed=71.95955585122937 OutputObj=0 OutputObjSpeed=0 stepName=FilterObjectsDirs stepNum=1
INFO[0000] Pipeline step finished                        ErrorObj=0 InputObj=0 InputObjSpeed=0 OutputObj=0 OutputObjSpeed=0 stepName=LoadObjData stepNum=2
INFO[0000] Pipeline step finished                        ErrorObj=0 InputObj=0 InputObjSpeed=0 OutputObj=0 OutputObjSpeed=0 stepName=UploadObj stepNum=3
INFO[0000] Pipeline step finished                        ErrorObj=0 InputObj=0 InputObjSpeed=0 OutputObj=0 OutputObjSpeed=0 stepName=Terminator stepNum=4
INFO[0000] Duration: 278.3735ms                          durationSec=0.2783723
INFO[0000] Sync Done                                     status=0

You published your AWS keys. Don't forget to change it.
As i see bucket equity-usa-earningsevents have only 20 objects and all of them filtered by --filter-dirs.