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The suggest prompt with a required flag not working as expected

FrancisMawn opened this issue · comments

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Operating System & Version

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Terminal Application




It seems like a weird interaction between the "suggest" prompt and the required flag where the first time you select an option you get the "Required" error.

Steps To Reproduce

$database = suggest(
    label: 'Name of the database to dump',
    options: $this->databases(),
    required: true
  1. Press the down arrow key to choose a database from the list.
  2. Press ENTER to select the database
  3. Get the "Required" error message
  4. Pressing ENTER again clears the error and make the actual selection.

I tested, same here. 👍

For me this is the fix

Index: src/SuggestPrompt.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/SuggestPrompt.php b/src/SuggestPrompt.php
--- a/src/SuggestPrompt.php	(revision ee79c23eff126556d0ec97b74e830884d61ef370)
+++ b/src/SuggestPrompt.php	(date 1690926555079)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     ) {
         $this->options = $options instanceof Collection ? $options->all() : $options;
-        $this->trackTypedValue($default);
+        $this->trackTypedValue($default, submit: false);
         $this->on('key', fn ($key) => match ($key) {
             Key::UP, Key::SHIFT_TAB => $this->highlightPrevious(),
@@ -133,10 +133,13 @@
     protected function selectHighlighted(): void
         if ($this->highlighted === null) {
+            $this->submit();
         $this->typedValue = $this->matches()[$this->highlighted];
+        $this->submit();

but I do not have time to write a test. Maybe it might help.

Problem is the TypedValue.php trait is submitting before the selectHighlighted has run in SuggestPrompt

            foreach (str_split($key) as $key) {
                if ($key === Key::ENTER && $submit) {

Can everyone retest this on Laravel Framework 10.17

Thanks for reporting this. I've confirmed the issue.

This seems to solve it for me, as it makes the SuggestPrompt event listeners execute before those from TypedValue.

-         $this->trackTypedValue($default);

          $this->on('key', fn ($key) => match ($key) {
              Key::UP, Key::SHIFT_TAB => $this->highlightPrevious(),
              Key::DOWN, Key::TAB => $this->highlightNext(),
              Key::ENTER => $this->selectHighlighted(),
              Key::LEFT, Key::RIGHT => $this->highlighted = null,
              default => (function () {
                  $this->highlighted = null;
                  $this->matches = null;

+         $this->trackTypedValue($default);

Can you please confirm whether this change would fix things for you? I can't see any regressions it would cause.

I've created #25 to solve this. Please let me know if you discover any issues with it though.

Thanks again!

Tested #25 and couldn't find any issues.