laravel / fortify

Backend controllers and scaffolding for Laravel authentication.

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TwoFactorAuthenticatable::twoFactorQrCodeUrl() email address for svg/url implant missing on first enable

BlueJ-D opened this issue · comments

  • Fortify Version: ???? <- how do I find?
  • Laravel Version: 8.81
  • PHP Version: 8.1.2
  • Database Driver & Version: MySql


Never submitted an issue on GitHub before, might even be wrong place but best I can find. This seems it could be linked with Jetstream. I also had a look at previous issues to see if this was mentioned before.

Using Jetstream, Fortify, Livewire standard install via cli as instructed on website.
After install, navigating to user/profile/ and clicking enable on 2fa section, the page reloads with svg QR.

The QR code does not have the users email address embedded into the svg QR.
In google authenticator I get "AppName ()".


     * Get the two factor authentication QR code URL.
     * @return string
    public function twoFactorQrCodeUrl()
        return app(TwoFactorAuthenticationProvider::class)->qrCodeUrl(
            $this->{Fortify::username()},  // <- NOT set on enabled.

I tested with debug_bar and on page echo in resources/views/profile/two-factor-authentication-form.blade.php:

                    {{ debug($this) }}
                    {!! auth()->user()->twoFactorQrCodeSvg() !!}
                    {!! auth()->user()->twoFactorQrCodeUrl() !!}
                <div class="mt-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-600">
                <form method="POST" action="{{ route('two-factor.confirm') }}">

it seems if $this->showingQrCode is true, user()->twoFactorQrCodeUrl() will not embed the user email into the QR.
reloading the page and force showing the QR then fixes the url and svg;
In google authenticator I get "AppName (".

I've added the below as a very hacky hack for the moment.

@if ($this->enabled)

Of course, Not a major issue, but is a little annoying. When testing the site with multiple accounts, bringing up the authenticator app I get a list of:
AppName ()
AppName ()
AppName ()
AppName ()
AppName ()

This is also the same with Microsoft authenticator

Steps To Reproduce:

  • install jetstream livewire as stated on website
  • for extra visual debugging, modify resources/views/profile/two-factor-authentication-form.blade.php by adding: {!!auth()->user()->twoFactorQrCodeUrl() !!} somewhere out of the QR showing @if(showing) statement;
  • navigate to user/profile
  • click enable 2fa
  • view totp link or scan QR
  • reload page
  • compare totp url

I can't seem to reproduce this. The username is properly set for me.