laravel / folio

Page based routing for Laravel.

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Route Subdomain / Domain

nmfirdausw opened this issue · comments


Is there way to configure folio for different subdomain grouping like normal route ?


I was just coming to suggest this idea.

After watching the launch on YouTube and seeing that folio could be used along side normal routing, I was wondering if the folio routing could be restricted to a domain or subdomain just like the OP is asking.

eg. I have my SuperGreatSaaS at which is a normal Laravel 10 app and I want to be routed by folio.

Is there a setting that I could use to map the subdomain to folio and the rest of the site to the normal routing?

I think this is what @nmfirdausw is asking. (It is certainly what I am asking)

Right now I'm just used it like this,
last if is for generating folio with artisan command and view folio:list

        if (str_starts_with(url(''), 'http://admin.')) {
            Folio::route(resource_path('views/pages/admin'), middleware: [
                '*' => [

        if (str_starts_with(url(''), 'http://partner.')) {
            Folio::route(resource_path('views/pages/partner'), middleware: [
                '*' => [

        if (config('app.env') === 'local' && url('') === config('app.url')) {
            Folio::route(resource_path('views/pages'), middleware: [
                '*' => [

Awesome!! Thanks @nunomaduro


I did test #62 feat/domains branch, It seems not working like I expected,
Or maybe I'm not use that properly, hope you can guide through,
My Issue is,

I add this two line in FolioServiceProvider,

    public function boot(): void

When I access to admin.mydomain.test/login, It return 404,
But for partner.mydomain.test/login, It Success

It seems only second config is registered.

That's a different issue - that already existed on Folio@beta2. Can you create a new issue please?

@nmfirdausw This will address your issue: #67.

Thanks @nunomaduro Now Folio is perfect for me.