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error `view not found` executing the phar after build / proposed better doc

mirchaemanuel opened this issue · comments

Laravel-Zero 9.2

Added view support.

I created a view in resources/views named image-list.blade.php and I'm rendering it with termwind.

In development environment it works like a charm. But after I built the app, if I try to execute the same command I get this error:

In FileViewFinder.php line 137:
  View [image-list] not found.  

in storage/framework/views I can see the compiled view.

The project I'm working it is public:

I'm getting similar error for file in resource path:

In Figlet.php line 997:
  phar:///Users/[omit]/builds/a80/resources//fonts/larry3d.flf: Font file not found  

it seems resources folder is not included in phar.

now I added resources in directories array of file box.json:

    "directories": [

and I get a new error:

In Compiler.php line 66:
  Please provide a valid cache path.  

The blade compiler required a cache path. There should be a way to provide an external cache path to phar or disable caching. The constructor of Blade compiler has a $shoudlCache parameter defaulted at true.

I'm trying to analyse a solution in the meantime.

I solved creating a view.php file inside config with this content:

return [
    'paths' => [

    'compiled' => getcwd()

and adding resources in directories array of file box.json.

@nunomaduro maybe we can add this comment in the documentation.

maybe an improved view.php could be:

return [
    'paths' => [

    'compiled' => \Phar::running()
        ? getcwd()
        : env('VIEW_COMPILED_PATH', realpath(storage_path('framework/views'))),

Closing as the docs have been updated. Thanks!