laravel-zero / laravel-zero

A PHP framework for console artisans

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App does not work after build

sszymkowicz opened this issue · comments

Basically nothing happens after my application is build by app:build command.

My steps to reproduce:


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel-zero/laravel-zero .
php application app:rename else
[... develop custom command `import` ...]
php else 



  USAGE: else <command> [options] [arguments]

  import                 Custom CSV Importer


php else app:build

Output is empty


./builds/else -vvv


Box Requirements Checker

> Using PHP 8.1.8
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:

> Checking Box requirements:
  ✔ The application requires the version "^8.0" or greater.
  ✔ The application requires the extension "zlib".
  ✔ The package "brick/math" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "illuminate/database" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "illuminate/support" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "illuminate/view" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "laravel-zero/framework" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "nesbot/carbon" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "ramsey/uuid" requires the extension "json".
  ✔ The package "league/flysystem-ftp" requires the extension "ftp".
  ✔ The package "league/mime-type-detection" requires the extension "fileinfo".
  ✔ The package "vlucas/phpdotenv" requires the extension "pcre".
 [OK] Your system is ready to run the application.           

Expected result:
My command (or any other command) possible to use after app:build

Actual result:
No command possible to use after app:build