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logo addon is not ready for php8.*

EsoCoding opened this issue · comments


It seems logo addon fails when using ^php8.0. It only works if laravel-zero is installed with php7.4.

I think this is the same sort of issue as #398 (comment), do you mind trying those steps (i.e. removing the lock file, and then requiring laminas/laminas-text manually)?

Weird, yesterday i did try the same without having success. Even did a fresh install with php7.4 and 8.0, even tweaked the composer file, but whatever i did, it failed. But now doing the same thing again, it suddenly installed with success. Still had a error from laravel-zero on installing, but think that was because there already was a logo configuration file... After deleting it and reinstalling the logo addon again, it installed successfully.

Yeah, it's an issue with the Laminas Text component only supporting psr/container:^1.x, I can't see any way to really resolve this. But I guess it'd probably be worth me adding it to the docs as a note / troubleshooting step. 👍🏻

Been playing around. After adding "psr/container": "^1.1.1" to the root composer.json and updating composer. I could install logo module without problems.

I think the problem can be found here:


When trying to remove psr/container i get this error:


When cloned from github and psr/container added to composer.json, that same command gives me this:


I don't think this an issue anymore, but please feel free to reopen if this is not the case. 🙂

Run the following command to install the laminas-text manually, which is what it is trying to do (along with copying the logo.php file into your /config folder) under the hood anyways.

composer require laminas/laminas-text:^2.11

I could not get it to work with the install:logo comand, but manually requiring it seems to work for some reason...