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tree-sitter-yaml hash listed in Cargo.toml does not exist; cannot build

brant-qai opened this issue · comments

Lapce Version

Master (as of 2024-05-07 20:04 UTC), as well as v0.4.0 tag.

System information

PopOS (Ubuntu Mantis)
EndeavourOS (Arch)

Describe the bug

In lapce-core the Cargo.toml file lists hash 80c8d76847f03e772c5c524cf29bafb56858a8d1 for tree-sitter-yaml. Specifically it is listed as follows:

tree-sitter-yaml = { git = "", rev = "80c8d76847f03e772c5c524cf29bafb56858a8d1", optional = true }

I'm sure this worked at some point but this hash has since been removed from the referenced repository. See: 80c8d76847f03e772c5c524cf29bafb56858a8d1 which now yields a 404.

Additional information

This probably still works for anyone who had already cached a copy of the the tree-sitter-yaml code with that hash, but for a new build it no longer works because the hash cannot be downloaded. I did try about 40 different commits just to see if I could find one that would build but they all had issues with the Some type.

~/projects/3rdparty/lapce$ cargo build --release
    Updating git repository ``
error: failed to get `tree-sitter-yaml` as a dependency of package `lapce-core v0.4.0 (/home/brant/projects/3rdparty/lapce/lapce-core)`

Caused by:
  failed to load source for dependency `tree-sitter-yaml`

Caused by:
  Unable to update

Caused by:
  revspec '80c8d76847f03e772c5c524cf29bafb56858a8d1' not found; class=Reference (4); code=NotFound (-3)

@panekj wow that was astonishingly fast ❤️ thanks!

If you care about reproducing the previous release, there is vendor tarball with all dependencies ->

It should build normally now as well as it's restored here:
(repo was renamed to