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New fedora build from source instruction still not working and perl-core still needed (and not automatically included)

lineality opened this issue · comments

Lapce Version

'nightly' is all I can see displayed,
fresh git clone build from source 2024.04.24

System information

fedora 40, dell xps laptop

Describe the bug

New fedora build from source instruction still not working and perl-core still needed (and not automatically included)

  1. perl-core is needed, otherwise there is an openssl(?) rust build error

  2. the new build line

cargo install --path . --bin lapce --profile release-lto --locked

does not work for creating a link in path, and a symbolic link cannot be made (a link file is made but it does nothing)

Additional information

this does work (still)

sudo dnf install clang libxkbcommon-x11-devel libxcb-devel vulkan-loader-devel wayland-devel perl-File-Compare perl-FindBin perl-core
git clone ~/lapce
cd lapce

this works

cargo build --release

Follow instructions below to set path to lapce, where path to
lapce is like:


2.1 Install Perl (from official fedora source) to avoid a build-fail

$ sudo dnf install perl-core
sudo dnf install perl-core

2.2 Create the ~/.local/bin directory

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

2.3 Create a symbolic link:

  • Open a terminal and run the following command to create a symbolic link from the executable to the chosen directory:
ln -s home/YOURNAME/lapce/target/release/lapce ~/.local/bin/lapce

2.4 Add the directory to PATH (if necessary):
bash export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"

2.5 Refresh the shell:

  • Run the following command to reload the shell configuration:
    source ~/.bashrc

Now you can call "lapce ." or "lapce --version" from cli

Note: many thanks for work on lapce

Over the last few months lapce is really starting to mature into an amazing and use-able ide/editor. A huge thanks to everyone involved.

FYI, I just cloned master and ran the build instructions:

cargo install --path . --bin lapce --profile release-lto --locked

And it still failed on compiling openssl due to missing FindBin. I was able to get it working via:

sudo dnf install perl-File-Compare perl-FindBin perl-IPC-Cmd

Note that I needed the additional perl-IPC-Cmd package which wasn't mentioned in the build instructions before.

Note 2: Unsure if perl-File-Compare was required but the other two definitely were.

I removed the perl dependencies because they are not required (it's only needed for using vendored openssl). I've added pkgconf since that what could be missing on the system.

I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean when you say they aren't required? Running the command on the build instructions does indeed require the perl dependencies. Is there some other command needed to specify not to use vendored openssl?

What do you mean when you say they aren't required?

Perl is only required to build openssl, when using openssl headers installed via package manager, there is no need to build openssl

Running the command on the build instructions does indeed require the perl dependencies.

It doesn't

Is there some other command needed to specify not to use vendored openssl?
