lantiga / ki

lisp + mori, sweet.js


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dot notation does not work in partial application, function composition

sirpengi opened this issue · comments

From the docs, you can chain dot notation in the following way:

ki require core
var r1 = ki (threadf "lol r1" (.toUpperCase) (.trim));
console.log(r1); // "LOL R1"

However, sometimes you want to move this behavior into a function for reuse. Honestly I feel this should work, but it doesn't compile:

var r2 = ki (comp (.toUpperCase) (.trim));
// Unexpected token .

(Neither does (comp .toUpperCase .trim), but that fails with a runtime error)

If you want the same behavior composed, or partially applied, you have to do the following:

var toUpper = function(x){ return x.toUpperCase(); };
var toTrim = function(x){ return x.trim(); };
var r3 = ki (curry pipeline toUpper toTrim);
console.log(r3("lol r3")); // "LOL R3"
var r4 = ki (comp toUpper toTrim);
console.log(r4("lol r4")); // "LOL R4"

On a related note, threadf also doesn't work with curry. The following compiles but results in a runtime error:

var r5 = ki (curry threadf toUpper toTrim);
console.log(r5("lol r5"));
// ReferenceError: threadf is not defined

It kind of makes sense if you think of threadf as a special form, but it doesn't appear dot notation should be. Dot notation works as an argument to threadf, but not in any other situations?

Hi. Currently dot notation is turned immediately into property/method access on the js object (Clojure behaves the same way). After all, .toUpperCase is not a function, obj.toUpperCase is. Your idea on lifting this limitation is interesting though.

Currently, to do what you need in a concise way you could use chain:

var r5 = ki (fn [x] (chain x (toUpperCase) (trim)))

which saves you the extra functions.

As to the curry not working with threadf, you're right, threadf is not a function and it only works when invoked as a special form.