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Error building node TextLoader

pp6699 opened this issue · comments

Duration: 306 ms
Error building node TextLoader(ID:TextLoader-UilLV): Error loading C:\Users\施建樺\AppData\Local\langflow\langflow\Cache\54b89cd5-fbea-4ed8-9a5a-b3074bb276f0\c424c4864d77c6e969d1c6969a58f5efc38071c1b73626c7f4e8d615d4e93fc5.txt

To resolve the error encountered while building the node TextLoader due to an issue with loading a specific file from the cache directory, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Cache Directory Exists: Make sure the cache directory is created if it doesn't exist. The create_cache_folder decorator can help with this.

  2. Check File Existence and Permissions: Verify that the file c424c4864d77c6e969d1c6969a58f5efc38071c1b73626c7f4e8d615d4e93fc5.txt exists in the specified cache directory and that your application has the necessary permissions to read it.

  3. Handle File Loading: If the file is not found or cannot be loaded, you might need to reload or recreate the file. Use functions like save_binary_file and save_uploaded_file to save files to the cache directory.

Here is an example of how you might use these functions:

from fastapi import UploadFile
from pathlib import Path
from import TEXT_FILE_TYPES, parse_text_file_to_record
from langflow.custom import CustomComponent
from langflow.schema import Record

# Example usage of save_uploaded_file
def handle_file_upload(file: UploadFile, folder_name: str):
        file_path = save_uploaded_file(file, folder_name)
        print(f"File saved to {file_path}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error saving file: {e}")

# Example usage of save_binary_file
def handle_binary_file(content: str, file_name: str, accepted_types: list[str]):
        file_path = save_binary_file(content, file_name, accepted_types)
        print(f"Binary file saved to {file_path}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error saving binary file: {e}")

# Ensure the cache directory is created
create_cache_folder(lambda: None)()

# Example call to handle file upload
# handle_file_upload(uploaded_file, "my_folder")

# Example call to handle binary file
# handle_binary_file("base64_content", "example.dill", [".dill"])

# Example usage of FileComponent to load a file
class FileComponent(CustomComponent):
    display_name = "File"
    description = "A generic file loader."
    icon = "file-text"

    def build_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            "path": {
                "display_name": "Path",
                "field_type": "file",
                "file_types": TEXT_FILE_TYPES,
                "info": f"Supported file types: {', '.join(TEXT_FILE_TYPES)}",
            "silent_errors": {
                "display_name": "Silent Errors",
                "advanced": True,
                "info": "If true, errors will not raise an exception.",

    def load_file(self, path: str, silent_errors: bool = False) -> Record:
        resolved_path = self.resolve_path(path)
        path_obj = Path(resolved_path)
        extension = path_obj.suffix[1:].lower()
        if extension == "doc":
            raise ValueError("doc files are not supported. Please save as .docx")
        if extension not in TEXT_FILE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file type: {extension}")
        record = parse_text_file_to_record(resolved_path, silent_errors)
        self.status = record if record else "No data"
        return record or Record()

    def build(
        path: str,
        silent_errors: bool = False,
    ) -> Record:
        record = self.load_file(path, silent_errors)
        self.status = record
        return record

By following these steps and using the provided functions, you should be able to resolve the error related to loading the specific file from the cache directory [1][2].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

Please add more info and re open the issue if you still have the problem