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getting a column size error when using MySQL.

songjinu opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I'm getting a column size error when using MySQL.
It seems to executed when initial setup starter_projects

sqlalchemy.exc.DataError: (raised as a result of Query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely)
                             (pymysql.err.DataError) (1406, "Data too long for column 'description' at row 1")
                             [SQL: INSERT INTO flow (name, description, icon, icon_bg_color, is_component, updated_at, folder, id, data, user_id) VALUES (%(name)s, %(description)s, %(icon)s,
                             %(icon_bg_color)s, %(is_component)s, %(updated_at)s, %(folder)s, %(id)s, %(data)s, %(user_id)s)]
                             [parameters: {'name': 'Basic Prompting (Hello, World)', 'description': 'This flow will get you experimenting with the basics of the UI, the Chat and the Prompt component. 
                             \n\nTry changing the Template in it to see how the ... (26 characters truncated) ... change it to this and a Text Input into the `type_of_person` variable : "Answer the 
                             user as if you were a pirate.\n\nUser: {user_input}\n\nAnswer: " ', 'icon': '', 'icon_bg_color': None, 'is_component': 0, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 14, 9,
                             36, 35, 63929, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'folder': 'Starter Projects', 'id': '5d216c873f0f4c5a98ec1c85438a90f4', 'data': '{"nodes": [{"id": "Prompt-uxBqP", "type": 
                             "genericNode", "position": {"x": 53.588791333410654, "y": -107.07318910019967}, "data": {"type": "Prompt",  ... (24099 characters truncated) ... 
                             153Text\\u0153],\\u0153type\\u0153:\\u0153str\\u0153}"}], "viewport": {"x": 260.58251815500563, "y": 318.2261172111936, "zoom": 0.43514115784696294}}', 'user_id': None}]
                             (Background on this error at:


Additional context
plz help

The error "Data too long for column 'description' at row 1" suggests that the data you're trying to insert into the 'description' column exceeds its maximum allowed size. To resolve this, you should:

  1. Increase Column Size: Alter the 'description' column to increase its size. If it's currently a VARCHAR with a limited size, consider changing it to TEXT to accommodate larger text. This can be done via an Alembic migration if you're using Alembic for database schema changes.

  2. Validate Data Before Insertion: Implement validation in your application to check the length of the 'description' data before attempting to insert it into the database. This can help avoid such errors by ensuring the data does not exceed the column's capacity.

  3. Review Database Schema and Codebase: Check the database schema for the 'description' column's current data type and size. Also, review your application's code where data is inserted into this column, particularly looking at how the 'description' data is generated and if there's any point where it could be truncated or validated.

For altering the column size, here's an example Alembic migration script snippet:

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

def upgrade():
    op.alter_column('flow', 'description',

This script changes the description column from a VARCHAR type with a specific length to TEXT, which can store much larger texts.

Remember to back up your database before making schema changes to avoid data loss. If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask.



About Dosu
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