langchain-ai / opengpts

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created bots and chat histories are not persisent

weipienlee opened this issue · comments

All saved bots and chats disappear at some point with both the older redis and current prostgres docker versions.

Latest situation:

  • postgres-volume directory has been created
  • during browser refresh or new tab everything “seems” to persist, but all gone with browser restart
  • restart containers and browser not seems to persist everything

PS: used undocumented POSTGRES_PORT=5432, POSTGRES_DB=opengpts, POSTGRES_USER=postgres, POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres

PSS: running with docker on Apple silicon

found the problems:

  1. variable name mismatch: should all be opengpts_user_id (see below)
  2. expiration is apparently by default a session
if (document.cookie.indexOf("user_id") === -1) {
  document.cookie = `opengpts_user_id=${uuidv4()}`;

temporary solution - moving expiration date; will expire after month of no use:

const daysUntilExpiration = 30; // Number of days until cookie expiration

// Check if cookie exists
if (!document.cookie.includes("opengpts_user_id")) {
  const expires = new Date( + daysUntilExpiration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toUTCString(); // Set initial expiration date
  document.cookie = `opengpts_user_id=${uuidv4()}; expires=${expires}; path=/`;
} else {
  const cookieParts = document.cookie.split('; ').find(cookie => cookie.startsWith("opengpts_user_id="));
  if (cookieParts) {
    const existingCookie = cookieParts.split('=');
    const userId = existingCookie[1];
    const expires = new Date( + daysUntilExpiration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toUTCString(); // Reset expiration date
    document.cookie = `opengpts_user_id=${userId}; expires=${expires}; path=/`;

Same here, all saved bots and chats disappear at some point. Persistence is required! Thank you!

Hi @weipienlee and @minovc3 ,
Thanks for the feedback. Current user authentication mechanism is a bit weak. We are working on improving the situation. That should also make the bots and chats persistent work reliably.