landrix / Zint-Barcode-Generator-for-Delphi

Zint Barcode Generator for Delphi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In Delphi 10.3 - 64bits QRcode is empty

gosanefr opened this issue · comments

Take VCL-QR-EPC demo, add platform Win64 and run : the QRcode shows an empty content.

It works for me. Have you ever tried to save the picture to a file?

No, I just scan the generated qrCode displayed by the application with my phone :

And where is the problem now? Is your picture from Win32 code? Win64 works for me. You could test if it is just a display problem or if no QRcode appears in a saved bitmap.

This picture was from Win64 code. Here is the corresponding QRcode (same data) compiled in 32bits :
I don't see a "display" problem : the image is a QRcode but it just contains no data.
When you say "Win64 works for me", do you mean that the resulting QRcode is exactly the same as the Win32 one ? Have you tried scanning your Win64 QRcode ?

Yes, win64 = win32


When I scan your screenshot it says "0 characters". I have tried saving your image and uploaded it here : with the same result ("No barcode was found in this image. Either it did not contain a barcode, or did not contain one in a supported format, or the software was simply unable to find it. Go "Back" in your browser and try another image.")

Sorry, you are right. Win64 produces a different image. I will investigate on this, when i have time.

Can you check the current release?


It works perfectly now ! Thanks for the very quick fix.