laminas / laminas-dependency-plugin

Replace zendframework and zfcampus packages with their Laminas Project equivalents.

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composer update with version 1 throws AssertionError

rieschl opened this issue · comments

Bug Report

Version(s) 2.0.0beta1

When using 2.0.0beta1 and issuing a composer update with version 1 of composer, it throws an AssertionError:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: assert($rewriter instanceof DependencySolvingCapableInterface) in /mnt/e/PhpStormProjects/laminas/test-mvc-co2/vendor/laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin/src/DependencyRewriterPluginDelegator.php:69

It only occurs if the corresponding assert. settings in php.ini are active.

The execution itself works because DependencyRewriterV1 does implement the method onPreDependenciesSolving which DependencySolvingCapableInterface requires.

It seems, that adding implements DependencySolvingCapableInterface to DependencyRewriterV1 solves the error.