laminas / laminas-dependency-plugin

Replace zendframework and zfcampus packages with their Laminas Project equivalents.

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Upgrade to composer-plugin-api 2.0.0

chaos0815 opened this issue · comments

In order to take advantage of composer 2.0 the version in composer.json needs to be bumped up.

@chaos0815 There is already a working Beta-Release ( But it would be nice to tag a final version.

I'll create a final version when I finished cleaning up some stuff AND when there is more Feedback. Thats why its called beta as I want to have tested more scenarios than just the project I've worked on while implementing the new process.

@boesing Given that Composer v2 is now released and installed by default, I think that releasing a compatible package here is quite important. With Composer v2 my pielines break, because it finds not install candidate. Adding "minimum-stability": "beta" solves this. What type of feedback do you expect? For my Laminas projects Composer v2 runs quite smoothly, though I probably have migrated everything to Laminas by now, so I am not sure if there is a need for this plugin to intercept anymore.

@boesing After upgrading to Composer 2.0, I updated all my applications to 2.0.0beta1 yesterday afternoon, and following substantial testing since then, cannot find any issues whatsoever. I can only re-iterate what @driehle already stated: "I think that releasing a compatible package here is quite important" :-) Thank you for your hard work.

@jonathanmaron did you upgrade to beta just by adding minimum-stability: "beta"? I'm struggling to upgrade to Magento 2.4.1 because of this dependency not working with Composer 2.

Just a note: you don't need to set the minimum stability. Each dependency you specify can include the stability allowed by adding it following an @ symbol:

    "laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin": "~2.0.0beta1@beta",

@codyloco The line in my composer.json is like this:

"laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin": "2.0.0beta1",

Thanks guys, if something burns down I'll let ya know :)

I've released version 2.0.0 at this time.