lambci / docker-lambda

Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment

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java8.al2 libcurl package is missing

r1m opened this issue · comments

I'm running a java8 lambda that uses some native lib through JNI.
It works on AWS, but using lambci:java8.al2 it fails because libcurl is missing.
libcurl can be found in amazonlinux2 and must be present in AWS lambda env.

docker run -it --entrypoint sh lambci/lambda:java8 -c 'ls /lib64' shows no libcurl so files

To clarify, are you running java8.al2 or java8 on AWS? They're different runtimes

Right, I was thinking it was only a change in your base image. So I tried both.
But java8 is my runtime on AWS.

Well on java8 libcurl is installed. It's in /usr/lib64

It's not on java8.al2 – but that's because it's not on the java8.al2 runtime on AWS either. You can use something like to install it in a layer

Ok, I was confused by some localstack configuration. Thanks for your quick answer and clarification.