lajax / yii2-translate-manager

Translation Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot save translated content

lenhattung opened this issue · comments

When I click on the save button, I see an "X" error. No rows are saved to the database.

Please help me to fix the error.

Could you check the log for the AJAX request in the Yii debug toolbar? There should be an error entry there, that will describe what happened.

Dear Moltam,

I reconfigure the LanguageController file with the following content:
public function behaviors ()
return [
'ghost-access' => [
'class' => 'webvimark \ modules \ UserManagement \ components \ GhostAccessControl',

I have debugged and seen everything OK. Can't see any error from Yii2 debugging tool. (Attached photo).
I still cannot store the translated content into the database.
I am looking forward to your help.



Dear sir,

This is my error:
{"id":["ID is invalid."],"language":["Language is invalid."]}

No matter which button I press on, I always see data like this:
{"id": 0, "language": "en", "translation": ""}

Thank you very much, I have changed the translate.js content:
helpers.get ($ ('# language_id'). data ('url'), data);

Now everything is working fine.