laisfrigerio / boilerplate-docker-node-mysql

A boilerplate docker project for development with a mysql database and a node.js backend using express πŸ’œ

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

©️ docker + node + mysql boilerplate πŸ’œ

A boilerplate Docker project for development with a mysql database, a node.js backend using Express

πŸ› οΈ Stack

  • nodejs: 14 + express
  • mysql: 8.0
  • docker

Docker version

We develop this boilerplate with the following docker version: 19.03.13

docker-compose version: 1.29.0

πŸ“ Features

  • β˜‘οΈ nodejs 14 + express api
  • β˜‘οΈ mysql 8 database
  • β˜‘οΈ running this application with docker

πŸ’Ž Run

Case if you have a mysql instance running, you must shutdown before run docker container:

  $ sudo service mysql stop


  $ cp .env.example .env
  $ npm run clean:cache
  $ npm run build
  $ npm run start:background

Stop container

  1. To stop running a container, first execute the following command to get container id:
  docker ps
  1. Copy the container ID and run the following command:
  docker stop <container id>

Access mysql database container

To access the database container, we must get the container id first. Run the following command:

  $ docker ps

This previous command list all active containers.

Copy mysql container id and type the following:

  $ docker exec -it <container id> bash

Then, to access database via line command:

  $ mysql -u <username> -p

πŸ‘© Author


πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A boilerplate docker project for development with a mysql database and a node.js backend using express πŸ’œ

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 83.8%Language:Dockerfile 9.6%Language:Shell 6.6%