lagbox / laravel-disqus

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Disqus comments for your resources

Simple, probably unneeded, package to add the ability to easily add Disqus comments on your site. You just need to implement the HasDisqus interface on your model, add disqus to your services config file and add a line to your view.


Composer require:

composer require lagbox\disqus

Add the service provider to your config/app.php $providers array:


If you would like to modify the comments view, you can publish it:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="lagbox\disqus\DisqusServiceProvider"


After you have signed up with Disqus you only need the domain that your embed script is located at.

Add to your config/services.php:

'disqus' => [
    'domain' => ''

Implementing the Interface

You can add the lagbox\disqus\Traits\HasDisqus trait to implement the first method of the interface getDisqus. This method of the trait gathers the data from disqusUrl and disqusIdentifier into an associative array.

use lagbox\disqus\Interface\HasDisqus;
use lagbox\disqus\Traits\HasDisqus as HasDisqusTrait;

class YourModel extends Model implements HasDisqus
    use HasDisqusTrait;


    public function disqusUrl()
        // full url to your resource
        return route('', $this);

    public function disqusIdentifier()
        // the unique identifier for this resource for disqus purposes
        return 'blog/'. $this->slug;

Now your model is ready to return the needed information for the disqus comments script.


You can use the blade directive that the Service Provider adds:


Or call the helper function directly:

{!! disqusScript($hasDisqusModel) !!}

<?php echo disqusScript($hasDisqusModel); ?>

Just make sure to pass a model that implements the HasDisqus interface.


Literally you can just do all of this yourself. The Disqus javascript only requires 3 pieces of information.

This is just here as a usable example.



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