laforge49 / aatree

Immutable AA Tree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Block Cache

laforge49 opened this issue · comments

Without caching or soft references, you will likely be re-reading the same disk blocks over and over. Soft references are not a solution here, as blocks are intentionally huge and using soft block references will likely result in out-of-memory exceptions. So we should add a block cache.

No pressing need.

I've been thinking about this and it really is important, especially since the node cache was eliminated.

The approach here will be to first develop a null disk cache trait and integrate it into yearling and virtual aa trees. Once that is working we can create a real cache trait and make it the default.

New aatree.core.db-block-size method. Updated yearling and calf pages.

Yearling now employes the new null-db-block-cache trait.

The lru block cache is now done. The only thing that remains is to update the docs.

docs updated