ladybirdweb / faveo-helpdesk

Faveo Open source ticketing system build on Laravel framework

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool loaded over https / step5 does not create user

jamesastound opened this issue · comments

  • Faveo Version : 2.0.2
  • PHP version : 8.1
  • Database Driver & Version : Ver 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
  • Server specification : Ubuntu 20.04 / Amazon t2.medium Ubuntu 20.04

Followed this install instruction document

Also tried installation with Docker via this instruction documentation

Error 1 Description (



Error 2 Description (step5 does not create user)

  • If using workaround, step 5 does not create a new user.
  • Checked database. Only 1 user exists: "demo_user". So form submit is not creating user. Database connected just fine when completing the previous step.
  • Enabled MYSQL query logging and no INSERTs or UPDATEs were performed upon submit.
  • Browser loads page "500 Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can."
  • No console errors
  • No Apache Errors in /var/log/apache2
  • No MYSQL Errors in /var/log/mysql

Steps To Reproduce:

  • Install up to Step 5 and click submit.
  • Identical Error1 on Docker attempt

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  • master-branch

  • development-branch

  • release-tag